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On the oxide thickness estimation from the current-voltage characteristics of thin metal-oxide-semiconductor structure




Based on the solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation within the framework of the effective mass theory, a complete quantum mechanical electron tunneling through a biased square potential model with abrupt interfaces was deduced. Barriers of 3 eV height and width: 50, 70, 100 and 140 , were investigated. Current density-voltage (J-V) curves were computed for Al/SiO/sub 2//sup +/Si structure. The computed J-V curves exhibited oscillations at applied voltages above 3 V. For oxide thickness estimation, the position of the oscillation extrema from this quantum mechanical model were fitted to a wave interference formula and showed excellent agreement for oxide layer widths less than 50 A. However, a systematic deviation appeared for layers larger than 50 A. We show that for accurate oxide thickness estimation the electron effective mass on layers other than the oxide layer and the electron energy distribution are to be included in modeling.
机译:在有效质量理论的框架内,基于时间相关的薛定inger方程的解,推导了通过具有突然界面的偏方势模型的完整量子力学电子隧穿。研究了高度和宽度为3 eV的壁垒:50、70、100和140。计算了Al / SiO / sub 2 // n / sup + / Si结构的电流密度-电压(J-V)曲线。计算出的JV曲线在施加的电压高于3 V时显示出振荡。对于氧化物厚度估计,该量子力学模型的振荡极值位置与波干扰公式拟合,并且对于小于50 A的氧化物层宽度显示出极好的一致性。 ,对于大于50 A的层,会出现系统偏差。我们表明,为准确估算氧化物厚度,除氧化物层以外的其他层上的电子有效质量和电子能量分布都应包括在建模中。



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