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The Foz Coa rock art case: towards a new relationship between science and policy making in Portugal?

机译:福兹·科阿(Foz Coa)摇滚艺术案例:在葡萄牙寻求科学与政策制定之间的新关系?



In a less-industrialised country like Portugal, the relationships between scientific expertise and the public decision-making system have been negatively marked by the low relevance assigned to science by public decision-makers and by the lack of a scientific culture in society at large. Decision-makers have shown the propensity, either to disregard scientific opinion, or to manipulate it, whenever it does not meet their political objectives. This statement is confirmed by the direction followed by science-based social and political controversies occurred in Portugal in recent years. However, in the Foz Coa rock art controversy (1994-95), pressure by Portuguese archeologists eventually led the new Government, empowered in late 1995, to lean towards their position, which favoured the preservation of the pictures, in spite of the fact that this would imply discontinuing the building up of a dam where important investments had already been made. What does this case tell us about political and administrative culture towards science in a peripheral European country, as well as about the possible consequences of contingent political change in that regard? What can be learned regarding the strategy used by scientists to put forward their claim for the rock paintings preservation? Does this case, and the decisions taken on it, announce a new era in the relationships between scientific expertise and public decision in Portugal?.
机译:在像葡萄牙这样的工业化程度较低的国家,科学专业知识与公共决策系统之间的关系受到负面影响,其特征是公共决策者对科学的重视程度低,以及整个社会缺乏科学文化。决策者显示出了一种倾向,即无视科学见解或在其不符合其政治目标时进行操纵的倾向。近年来在葡萄牙发生的基于科学的社会和政治争议所遵循的方向证实了这一说法。然而,在福斯·科阿(Foz Coa)的岩石艺术争论中(1994-95年),葡萄牙考古学家最终施加压力,促使新政府在1995年底获准偏向自己的立场,尽管存在以下事实,但主张保存照片:这将意味着在已经进行了重要投资的情况下停止修建大坝。这个案例告诉我们有关一个外围欧洲国家针对科学的政治和行政文化,以及在这方面不断发生的政治变革可能带来的后果?关于科学家提出的岩画保护主张所采用的策略,可以学到什么?这种情况及其作出的决定是否在葡萄牙宣布了科学专门知识与公共决策之间的关系的新纪元?



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