
Soundscape: an approach to combine physical measures andsubjective evaluation with respect to community noise assessment




The soundscape approach can provide a method to develop acoustical indicators andparameters into a data base, which describes urban and other outdoor living areas with respectto the physical conditions and their relevance for life. Those parameters will reliably allow themeasurement of outdoor sound quality, which will take into consideration the sound pressurebut also characteristics of the sounds, which lead to specific human reactions, both positive andnegative, e.g. calmness, inspiration, annoyance, discontentment, anxiety, etc. besides thepathogenic effects. Emission and immission measurements must be performed in order todocument the physical conditions of the examined living area. Particularly, the contribution ofimportant sources like traffic noise to the overall sound exposure and its influence on theevaluations by the residents has to be determined. Moreover, the question is, to which degreedoes a single source determine the environmental soundscape of the environment with respectto the perception and evaluation. Therefore, diverse boundary conditions should be taken intoaccount in order to reflect adequately the circumstances of everyday life. A proposal of a rangeof measures and solutions will be discussed in order to identify an integrated model todesign/improve Soundscapes and enhance urban planning concepts.



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