首页> 外文会议>Joint annual meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology >Multi-Sources Exposure to Pesticides during Pregnancy and Risk of Hypospadias and Cryptorchidism: The French National Birth Cohort Elfe

Multi-Sources Exposure to Pesticides during Pregnancy and Risk of Hypospadias and Cryptorchidism: The French National Birth Cohort Elfe




Prenatal occupational exposure to pesticides has been associated to male reproductive tract abnormalities. Exposure of the general population might occur through other sources (domestic uses, diet and living proximity to crops) but little is known on the developmental effects of nonoccupational exposure. We aimed to assess the association between this multi-sources exposure to pesticides during pregnancy and the risk of hypospadias and cryptorchidism. Among the 9,059 boys of the French birth cohort Elfe, 51 were diagnosed with hypospadias and 134 with cryptorchidism. Exposure was assessed from 1) self-reported domestic uses of 8 pesticide product types, 2) acreage within a 1000m-buffer around home for 11 crops using French spatialized data of soil occupancy and agricultural register, and 3) maternal daily intakes estimated from food-frequency questionnaire and national survey data for 60 pesticide residues in food. For each exposure source, due to high number of variables, best-predictors selection procedure (Elastic Net) was firstly used. We then used logistic regression to assess simultaneously associations for the multiple selected exposure sources, accounting for confounding. Multiple imputation was used to handle for missing data. An increased risk of hypospadias was observed in association with domestic uses against fleas and ticks (OR=1.58, 95% CI: 1.10;2.23), with acreage of barley within the lOOOm-buffer around home (1.69, 1.17;1.44), and with dietary intakes of λ-cyhalothrin (2.09, 1.11;3.95). For cryptorchidism, an increased risk was associated with the acreage of miscellaneous cereal crops within the 1000m-buffer (1.59, 1.04;2.41). No association was observed with domestic uses nor with dietary exposure. Using population-based cohort, our results suggest a possible increased risk of hypospadias and cryptorchidism in association with prenatal exposure to pesticides from some dietary and residential sources. This work is limited by a modest number of cases.
机译:产前职业性接触农药与男性生殖道异常有关。普通人群的接触可能通过其他来源(家庭用途,饮食和与农作物的接触)而发生,但对非职业接触的发展影响知之甚少。我们旨在评估怀孕期间多种来源的农药暴露与尿道下裂和隐睾症风险之间的关联。在法国出生队列Elfe的9,059名男孩中,有51名被诊断患有尿道下裂,而134名患有隐睾症。根据1)自我报告的家庭使用的8种农药产品的使用情况,2)使用法国土壤占用和农业登记的空间数据,以及3)通过食物估算的母亲每日摄入量,对11种农作物在家庭周围1000m缓冲区内的种植面积进行了评估食品中60种农药残留的高频率调查表和国家调查数据。对于每个暴露源,由于变量众多,因此首先使用最佳预测变量选择程序(Elastic Net)。然后,我们使用逻辑回归分析来同时评估多个选定暴露源的关联,从而解决了混杂问题。多重插补用于处理丢失的数据。与家用跳蚤和壁虱相关的尿道下裂风险增加(OR = 1.58,95%CI:1.10; 2.23),大麦在家庭附近的100m缓冲液中的种植面积增加(1.69,1.17; 1.44),以及饮食中摄取了λ-氯氟氰菊酯(2.09,1.11; 3.95)。对于隐睾症,与1000m缓冲区内杂粮作物的种植面积增加有关的风险增加(1.59,1.04; 2.41)。没有观察到与家庭使用或饮食接触有关。使用以人群为基础的队列研究,我们的结果表明尿道下裂和隐睾症的风险可能与产前从某些饮食和居住场所获取的农药接触有关。这项工作受到少量案件的限制。



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