
Bounds on the Power of Constant-Depth Quantum Circuits


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We show that if a language is recognized within certain error bounds by constant-depth quantum circuits over a finite family of gates, then it is computable in (classical) polynomial time. In particular, for 0 < ε ≤ δ ≤ 1, we define BQNC_(ε,δ)~0 to be the class of languages recognized by constant depth, polynomial-size quantum circuits with acceptance probability either < ε (for rejection) or ≥ δ (for acceptance). We show that BQNC_(ε,δ)~0 is contained in P, provided that 1 - δ ≤ 2~(-2d)(1 - ε), where d is the circuit depth. On the other hand, we adapt and extend ideas of Terhal & DiVin-cenzo to show that, for any family F of quantum gates including Hadamard and CNOT gates, computing the acceptance probabilities of depth-five circuits over F is just as hard as computing these probabilities for arbitrary quantum circuits over F. In particular, this implies that NQNC~0 = NQACC = NQP = coC=P, where NQNC~0 is the constant-depth analog of the class NQP. This essentially refutes a conjecture of Green et al. that NQACC is contained in TC~0.
机译:我们证明,如果一种语言在有限的门系列中被恒定深度的量子电路在一定的误差范围内识别,那么它就可以在(经典)多项式时间内进行计算。特别地,对于0 <ε≤δ≤1,我们将BQNC_(ε,δ)〜0定义为恒定深度,多项式大小的量子电路所识别的语言,其接受概率为<ε(拒绝)或≥ δ(接受)。我们证明BQNC_(ε,δ)〜0包含在P中,条件是1-δ≤2〜(-2d)(1-ε),其中d是电路深度。另一方面,我们调整并扩展了Terhal和DiVin-cenzo的思想,以表明,对于包括Hadamard和CNOT门在内的任何量子门系列F,计算深度五电路在F上的接受概率与计算一样困难这些概率适用于F上的任意量子电路。特别是,这意味着NQNC〜0 = NQACC = NQP = coC = P,其中NQNC〜0是NQP类的恒定深度模拟。这本质上反驳了格林等人的猜想。 NQACC包含在TC〜0中。



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