
Dispatching Cases versus Merging Case-Bases: When MCBR Matters


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Multi-case-base reasoning (MCBR) extends case-based reasoning to draw on multiple case bases that may address somewhat different tasks. In MCBR, an agent selectively supplements its own case-base as needed, by dispatching problems to external case-bases and using cross-case-base adaptation to adjust their solutions for inter-case-base differences. MCBR is often advocated as a means to facilitate handling large case-bases, or to enable use of distributed case sources. However, this raises an important question: When storage is not an issue, and the entire external case-base is available, is there any reason for MCBR? This paper answers that question with an experimental assessment of how MCBR affects the quality of solutions generated. It demonstrates that for a given local case-base and an external case-base for a task environment that is similar to, but different from, the local task environment, MCBR can improve accuracy compared to merging the case-bases into a single case-base. This improvement holds even if the cross-case-base adaptation method used by MCBR is also applied to the external cases before merging. The paper hypothesizes an explanation of this behavior in terms of the ability of MCBR to exploit the tradeoffs between similarity of problems and similarity of solution contexts. It provides experimental evidence to support this hypothesis, and also demonstrates that MCBR is a useful framework for selecting cases to add to a case-base.
机译:基于多案例的推理(MCBR)扩展了基于案例的推理,以利用可以解决某些不同任务的多个案例基础。在MCBR中,代理通过将问题分配到外部案例库并使用跨案例库适应来针对案例库之间的差异来调整其解决方案,从而根据需要有选择地补充其自身的案例库。 MCBR通常被提倡为便利处理大型案例库或启用分布式案例源的一种手段。但是,这提出了一个重要的问题:当存储不是问题,并且整个外部案例库都可用时,是否有任何理由使用MCBR?本文通过实验评估MCBR如何影响所生成解决方案的质量来回答该问题。它表明,对于与本地任务环境类似但不同的任务环境,对于给定的本地案例库和外部案例库,与将案例库合并为单个案例相比,MCBR可以提高准确性。基础。即使在合并之前将MCBR所使用的基于跨案例的适应方法也应用于外部案例,也可以保持这种改进。本文根据MCBR利用问题的相似性和解决方案上下文的相似性之间的权衡取舍的能力来对此行为进行解释。它提供了支持该假设的实验证据,还证明了MCBR是选择要添加到案例库的案例的有用框架。



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