
Dam heightening ― the UK perspective


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Global water abstraction has doubled over the last 50 years and is expected to continue to rise. The World Commission on Dams report, published in 2000, proposes a set of strategic priorities and guidelines, which should be applied in the decision to construct new dams. The report demonstrates that opportunities exist to optimise benefits from existing dams. This paper aims to illustrate the benefits of dam heightening as a means of increasing reservoir storage. Factors that need to be considered are outlined in the paper to provide a useful reference for dam engineers. Examples of several UK dams that have been designed to accommodate future heightening are detailed along with UK dam heightening projects that have been successfully carried out. The costs of several of the completed heightening projects are detailed to strengthen the attractiveness of dam heightening.
机译:在过去的50年中,全球取水量翻了一番,并且有望继续增长。 2000年发布的世界水坝委员会报告提出了一系列战略优先事项和指导方针,应在建造新水坝的决定中应用这些优先事项和指导方针。该报告表明存在优化现有大坝收益的机会。本文旨在说明加高水坝作为增加水库蓄水量的好处。本文概述了需要考虑的因素,为大坝工程师提供了有用的参考。详细介绍了为适应将来的加高而设计的几座英国水坝,以及已成功实施的英国大坝加高项目。详细说明了几个已完成的加高工程的费用,以增强大坝加高的吸引力。



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