
Countermeasures for Desertification:the Social Science Perspective


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The term desertification, defined by the UN in 1994, is mainly concerned with natural phenomenon. The definition seems inadequate from the perspective of political and social science. Thus, a definition with consideration for social science is given as follows: desertification is a serial phenomenon involving destruction of vegetation, land degradation or abandonment, worsening of local human living conditions and threat to civilization, all caused by over-loading, over cultivation and/or over-lumbering, due to climate change, increase in population, income inequality and poverty in arid, semi-arid, and semi-humid areas. The worsening of living conditions is a symptom of poverty. Global desertification is a form of "new poverty" on global scale. This "new poverty" is different from the traditional poverty caused by low income and unemployment because even people in high income brackets will experience it from the worsening of all living conditions.
机译:联合国在1994年定义的荒漠化一词主要涉及自然现象。从政治和社会科学的角度来看,这个定义似乎不够充分。因此,考虑到社会科学的定义如下:荒漠化是一系列现象,涉及植被破坏,土地退化或被遗弃,当地人类生活条件恶化以及对文明的威胁,这些都是由超载,过度耕种和耕种造成的。 /或由于森林变化导致过度伐木,导致干旱,半干旱和半潮湿地区的人口增加,收入不平等和贫困加剧。生活条件的恶化是贫穷的征兆。全球荒漠化是全球范围内“新贫困”的一种形式。这种“新贫困”不同于低收入和失业造成的传统贫困,因为即使是高收入阶层的人也会因所有生活条件的恶化而经历贫困。



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