
Efficient Disk Replacement and Data Migration Algorithms for Large Disk Subsystems


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Random data placement, efficient and scalable for large-scale storage systems, has recently emerged as an alternative to traditional data striping. In this study we address Disk Replacement Problem (DRP) of finding a sequence of disk additions and removals for a storage system while migrating the data and respecting the following constraints: (1) the data is initially balanced across the existing distributed disk configuration, (2) the data must again be balanced across the new configuration, and (3) the data migration cost must be minimized. In practice, migrating data from old disks to new devices is complicated by the fact that the total number of disks connected to the storage system is often limited by a fixed number of available slots and not all the old and new disks can be connected at the same time. We present solutions for both cases, where the number of disk slots is either unconstrained or constrained.
机译:对于大规模存储系统而言,高效且可扩展的随机数据放置已成为传统数据条带化的替代方法。在本研究中,我们解决了磁盘替换问题(DRP),该问题是在存储数据的同时找到一系列磁盘添加和删除的顺序,同时迁移数据并遵守以下约束条件:(1)最初在现有的分布式磁盘配置中平衡数据,( 2)必须再次在新配置之间平衡数据,并且(3)必须将数据迁移成本降到最低。实际上,由于连接到存储系统的磁盘总数通常受固定数量的可用插槽限制,并且并非所有旧磁盘和新磁盘都可以在该磁盘上连接,因此将数据从旧磁盘迁移到新设备变得很复杂。同时。我们提供了两种情况的解决方案,即磁盘插槽的数量不受限制或受限制。



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