首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management(KSEM 2007); 20071128-30; Melbourne(AU) >An Improved NN-SVM Based on K Congener Nearest Neighbors Classification Algorithm

An Improved NN-SVM Based on K Congener Nearest Neighbors Classification Algorithm


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Support vector machine constructs an optimal classification hyperplane by support vectors. While samples near the boundary are overlapped seriously, it not only increases the burden of computation but also decreases the generalization ability. An improved SVM: NN-SVM algorithm was proposed to solve the above problems in literature [1]. NN-SVM just reserves or deletes a sample according to whether its nearest neighbor has same class label with itself or not. However, its generalization ability will be decreased by samples intermixed in another class. Therefore, in this paper, we present an improved NN-SVM algorithm: it prunes a sample according to its nearest neighbor's class label as well as distances between the sample and its k congener nearest neighbors. Experimental results show that the improved NN-SVM is better than NN-SVM in accuracy of classification and the total training and testing time is comparative to that of NN-SVM.
机译:支持向量机通过支持向量构造最优分类超平面。当边界附近的样本严重重叠时,不仅增加了计算负担,而且降低了泛化能力。文献[1]提出了一种改进的支持向量机:NN-SVM算法来解决上述问题。 NN-SVM只是根据其最近邻居是否具有相同的类别标签来保留或删除样本。但是,将其混入另一个类别的样本会降低其泛化能力。因此,在本文中,我们提出了一种改进的NN-SVM算法:它根据样本的最近邻的类别标签以及样本与其k个同类最近邻之间的距离对样本进行修剪。实验结果表明,改进后的NN-SVM在分类精度上优于NN-SVM,总训练和测试时间与NN-SVM相当。



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