首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development(ECOSUD VI); 200709; Coimbra(PT) >Cooling needs for a warming world? Economics and governance of district cooling

Cooling needs for a warming world? Economics and governance of district cooling


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Energy use outlook in developed countries shows a particularly fast growing component: the demand for cooling. This demand of energy for indoor air conditioning represents a challenge for environmental policies, a potential enemy of energy efficiency and energy saving and, definitely, an issue at stake for global climate policies. The trend of energy demand for cooling purposes also brings many problems for the generation capacity and the management of peak loads. The technologies for centralized trigeneration (electricity, heating, cooling) seem promising but do not always enter the market with convincing commercial strategies. Nevertheless, the presence of district heating from cogeneration plants in large metropolitan areas (like in Turin, Italy) represent the possibility of developing district conditioning. The preliminary conclusions of the research are as follows: 1) given the assumed technology and the trend for indoor air-conditioning demand, district cooling brings net social benefits from both sides of industrial figures (global investments, maintenance and running costs) and environmental externalities; 2) some cautionary remarks are due in relation to the assumptions, sometimes questionable, about emissions rate per kWh, energy efficiency in electricity production, discount rate, market prices of alternative technologies, plumbing and networking costs. The analysis does not encompass the distribution of costs and benefits among stakeholders (among the others: electricity producers, network owners, end users), a question that is more relevant in the political local arena.
机译:发达国家的能源使用前景显示出一个特别快速增长的组成部分:冷却需求。室内空调对能源的这种需求是对环境政策的挑战,是能源效率和节能的潜在敌人,并且无疑是全球气候政策面临的问题。用于冷却目的的能量需求的趋势也给发电能力和峰值负荷管理带来了许多问题。集中式三联发电的技术(电力,供热,制冷)似乎很有希望,但并不总是以令人信服的商业策略进入市场。然而,在大都市地区(如意大利都灵),热电联产厂存在区域供暖,这代表着发展区域调节的可能性。研究的初步结论如下:1)考虑到假定的技术和室内空调需求的趋势,区域供冷从行业数据的两方面(全球投资,维护和运行成本)以及环境外部性带来了净社会效益。 ; 2)关于每千瓦时的排放率,电力生产中的能源效率,折现率,替代技术的市场价格,管道和网络成本的假设(有时是可疑的)是一些警告性言论。该分析不包括利益相关者(其他利益相关者:电力生产商,网络所有者,最终用户)之间成本和收益的分配,这个问题在地方政治领域更为相关。



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