首页> 美国政府科技报告 >FEASIBILITY OF A DISTRICT COOLING SYSTEM USING NATURAL COLD WATERS PHASEⅡ - Site-Specific Study & Preliminary Design of a Miami Beach Seawater Cooling District PHASEⅢ - Preliminary Assessment of the U.S. Fresh Water Resource for the District Cooling of Buildings

FEASIBILITY OF A DISTRICT COOLING SYSTEM USING NATURAL COLD WATERS PHASEⅡ - Site-Specific Study & Preliminary Design of a Miami Beach Seawater Cooling District PHASEⅢ - Preliminary Assessment of the U.S. Fresh Water Resource for the District Cooling of Buildings

机译:使用天然冷水pHasEⅡ的区域冷却系统的可行性 - 迈阿密海滩海水冷却区pHasEⅢ的现场特定研究和初步设计 - 美国淡水资源对建筑区域冷却的初步评估



Phase II is a site-specific follow-on of a preliminary study that examined the feasibility of using cold seawater from depth to cool an entire district. The site examined in detail is Miami Beach, Florida, where a large cooling demand on the beach is in close proximity to this country's narrowest continental shelf. The flow of the Florida Current (Gulf Stream) produces, as a secondary effect, a partial upwelling of cold water along the edge of the shelf. This cold seawater can be used to cool buildings along the beach.



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