首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies; 20041031-1105; Salt Lake City,UT(US) >Methods to Mitigate Dot Position Error Amplification of Phase Change Inks

Methods to Mitigate Dot Position Error Amplification of Phase Change Inks


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Each new printing product needs to have an increase in performance over previous products. As customers continue to demand higher speed printers with higher resolutions, printheads need to have higher jetting frequencies, higher jet densitiesumber of jets and smaller drop masses to meet these demands. These performance increases have created an issue called dot position amplification. Dot position amplification is the increase in color-to-color misregistration when a secondary color is deposited. This issue is caused from an increased delay time between the deposition of secondary pairs of drops to the same location and a decrease in time for solidification because of drop size reduction. This increase in delay time and decrease in solidification time is enough for the first drop to freeze before the second drop is deposited. The second drop appears to fall to one side and increase the color-to-color dot position error. This paper presents a method to mitigate this amplification by intentionally misregistering the colors.



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