首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE'98) v.2; 19981014-19981017; Beijing; CN >Development and Application of Computer-Based In-class Review Sessions for Improving

Development and Application of Computer-Based In-class Review Sessions for Improving


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The effectiveness of computer-based review sessions were examined in four different courses. The results show that the review sessions had increased the students?conceptual understanding of electrical circuits in three out of four courses. The review session can also be used as lecture outlines. An effective review session should include graphical representation of concepts when possible. A consistent presentation in terms of font size, highlighting colors, and design may attract students?attention. It is also important to tie similar concepts together while showing the relationships among them. Though it takes additional time to prepare computer-based lesson outlines and review sessions, the benefits outweigh the apparent drawbacks. Some observed benefits are: 1. Easy to upgrade -- as the course content change, individual slides can be modified or added to the presentation. This may not be possible with regular transparency based presentations. 2. Telecommunication ready -- Students are able to download the presentations from a web-site to review missed lesson and notes. Computer-based material are fully compatible with telecommunication mediums and can be used in distant education activities. 3. Supplement to slow-learners -- Students who have learning difficulties may be able to copy the material into their personnel computers for additional review. 4. Multimedia Presentations -- The computer-based nature allow easy integration of the content in multimedia presentation with sound and animation. 5. Activated attention -- The review sessions focus students?attention to the topic being discussed.
机译:在四个不同的课程中检查了基于计算机的复习课程的有效性。结果表明,复习课增加了四分之三课程中学生对电路的概念理解。复习课也可以用作演讲大纲。有效的审核会议应尽可能包括概念的图形表示。在字体大小,突出显示的颜色和设计方面的一致演示可能会引起学生的注意。将相似概念捆绑在一起,同时显示它们之间的关系也很重要。尽管准备基于计算机的课程大纲和复习课需要花费更多时间,但好处多于明显的缺点。观察到的一些好处是:1.易于升级-随着课程内容的更改,可以修改单个幻灯片或将其添加到演示文稿中。对于常规的基于透明度的演示,这可能是不可能的。 2.电信准备就绪-学生可以从网站上下载演示文稿,以复习错过的课程和笔记。基于计算机的材料与电信介质完全兼容,可用于远程教育活动。 3.慢学习者的补充-学习困难的学生可以将材料复制到他们的人事计算机中,以进行进一步的检查。 4.多媒体演示文稿-基于计算机的性质允许轻松地将多媒体演示文稿中的内容与声音和动画集成在一起。 5.激发注意力-复习课使学生集中注意正在讨论的话题。



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