
A Typical Case Study of School Sound Insulation




In order to mitigate noise due to aircraft operations associated with ManchesterAirport, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the City of Manchester sponsoreda sound-insulation program at Green Acres Elementary School. Based on the 2003noise contours, the school will be exposed to a DNL of approximately 65 dB. Noise levelreduction (NLR) measurements showed that the existing NLR was between 24 and25 dB in three classrooms. The resulting estimated interior 2003 DNL (based on thepre-modification construction) in the classrooms was 40 to 41 dB, whereas the estimated2003 loudest hour average noise level during school hours ranged from 36 to 47 dB(based on five weekdays of on-site measurements).The sound insulation modifications included replacing windows and aluminumwall panels with acoustically-rated units, installing acoustical doors, installing upgradedventilation, and installing new acoustical ceiling tiles. The NLR after sound insulationwas 29 to 31 dB.This paper summarizes the designs, construction process, ventilation systemdesign, and acoustical test results. Although the ANSI Standard (S12.60-2002) was notpublished until after the design process was complete, the resulting indoor noise levelsdue to aircraft and the new ventilation system are compared to the ANSI criteria.
机译:为了减轻与曼彻斯特机场相关的飞机运行所引起的噪音,美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)和曼彻斯特市政府在Green Acres小学赞助了一项隔音计划。根据2003年的噪声轮廓,学校将暴露于约65 dB的DNL。降噪(NLR)测量表明,三个教室中现有的NLR在24至25 dB之间。最终得出的教室内部2003 DNL(基于改装前的结构)估计为40至41 dB,而估计的2003年上课时的最大小时平均噪音水平为36至47 dB(根据五个工作日的现场测量结果) )隔音方面的改进包括用隔音单元替换窗户和铝墙板,安装隔音门,安装升级的通风系统以及安装新的隔音天花板。隔声后的NLR为29至31 dB。本文总结了设计,建造过程,通风系统设计和声学测试结果。尽管直到设计过程完成后才发布ANSI标准(S12.60-2002),但由于飞机和新通风系统而产生的室内噪声水平却与ANSI标准进行了比较。



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