
Visualizing RDF Data Cubes Using the Linked Data Visualization Model




Data Cube represents one of the basic means for storing, processing and analyzing statistical data. Recently, the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary became a W3C recommendation and at the same time interesting datasets using it started to appear. Along with them appeared the need for compatible visualization tools. The Linked Data Visualisation Model is a formalism focused on this area and is implemented by Payola, a framework for analysis and visualization of Linked Data. In this paper, we present capabilities of LDVM and Payola to visualize RDF Data Cubes as well as other statistical datasets not yet compatible with the Data Cube Vocabulary. We also compare our approach to CubeViz, which is a visualization tool specialized on RDF Data Cube visualizations.
机译:数据多维数据集代表用于存储,处理和分析统计数据的基本手段之一。最近,RDF数据多维数据集词汇成为W3C推荐,与此同时,有趣的数据集也开始出现。与它们一起出现的是需要兼容的可视化工具。链接数据可视化模型是针对此领域的一种形式主义,由Payola实施,Payola是链接数据的分析和可视化框架。在本文中,我们介绍了LDVM和Payola可视化RDF数据多维数据集以及尚未与数据多维数据集词汇表兼容的其他统计数据集的功能。我们还将我们的方法与CubeViz(一种专门用于RDF Data Cube可视化的可视化工具)进行比较。



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