
ABCD rules segmentation on malignant tumor and benign skin lesion images




Skin lesion is defined as a superficial growth or patch of the skin that is visually different than its surrounding area. Skin lesions appear for many reasons such as the symptoms indicative of diseases, birthmarks, allergic reactions, and so on. Images of skin lesions are analyzed by computer to capture certain features to be characteristic of skin diseases. These activities can be defined as automated skin lesion diagnosis (ASLD). ASLD involves five steps including image acquisition, pre-processing to remove occluding artifacts (such as hair), segmentation to extract regions of interest, feature selection and classification. This paper present analysis of automated segmentation called the ABCD rules (Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variegation, Diameter) in image segmentation. The experiment was carried on Malignant tumor and Benign skin lesion images. The study shows that the ABCD rules has successfully classify the images with high value of total dermatoscopy score (TDS). Although some of the analysis shows false alarm result, it may give the significant input to search suitable segmentation measure.
机译:皮肤病变定义为在视觉上与其周围区域不同的浅表生长或斑块。出现皮肤病变的原因很多,例如表示疾病的症状,胎记,过敏反应等。通过计算机分析皮肤病变的图像,以捕获某些特征,这些特征是皮肤疾病的特征。这些活动可以定义为自动皮肤病变诊断(ASLD)。 ASLD涉及五个步骤,包括图像采集,去除遮挡伪影(例如头发)的预处理,提取感兴趣区域的分割,特征选择和分类。本文介绍了自动分割的分析方法,称为图像分割中的ABCD规则(不对称,边界不规则,颜色变化,直径)。实验是在恶性肿瘤和良性皮肤病变图像上进行的。研究表明,ABCD规则已成功地对具有高总皮肤镜评分(TDS)值的图像进行了分类。尽管某些分析显示了错误的警报结果,但它可能会为寻找合适的分段度量提供重要的输入。



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