首页> 外文会议>2009 International Institute of Applied Statistics Studies(2009 国际应用统计学术研讨会)论文集 >The Adjustive Ridge Regression Estimator in a Linear Regression Model with Application to Portland cement Dataset

The Adjustive Ridge Regression Estimator in a Linear Regression Model with Application to Portland cement Dataset




For the linear regression model y = Xβ +e with e~N(0, σ2In), the ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE) is not desirable any longer when the collinearity is present. In this case, various biased estimators were proposed to improve the OLSE in the literature. In the present paper, we propose a new estimator called to be adjustive ridge regression estimator and suggest viewing it as a good substitution for the OLSE in practical problems by illustrating the superiority via the dataset on Portland cement. Detailed discussions are given.
机译:对于具有e〜N(0,σ2In)的线性回归模型y =Xβ+ e,当存在共线性时,不再需要普通最小二乘估计器(OLSE)。在这种情况下,提出了各种有偏估计量以改善文献中的OLSE。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的估算器,称为可调整岭回归估算器,并通过在波特兰水泥上通过数据集说明其优越性,建议将其视为实际问题中OLSE的良好替代品。给出了详细的讨论。



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