首页> 外文会议>IFSA(International Fuzzy Systems Association); 2007; >Fuzzy Rules Extraction from Support Vector Machines for Multi-class Classification

Fuzzy Rules Extraction from Support Vector Machines for Multi-class Classification


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This paper proposes a new method for fuzzy rule extraction from trained support vector machines (SVMs) for multi-class problems. SVMs have been applied to a wide variety of application. However, SVMs are considered "black box models", where no interpretation about the input-output mapping is provided. Some methods to reduce this limitation have already been proposed, however, they are restricted to binary classification problems and to the extraction of symbolic rules with intervals or functions in their antecedents. Hence, to improve the interpretability of the generated rules, this paper presents a new model for extracting fuzzy rules from a trained SVM. Moreover, the proposed model was developed for classification in multi-class problems. The generated fuzzy rules are presented in the format "IF x_1 is C_1 AND x_2 is C_2 AND ... AND x_n is C_n, THEN x = (x_1, x_2, …x_n ) is of class A", where C_1, C_2, ..., C_n are fuzzy sets. The proposed method was evaluated in four benchmark databases (Bupa Liver Disorders, Wisconsin Breast Cancer, Iris and Wine). The results obtained demonstrate the capacity of the proposed method to generate a set of interpretable rules that explains the database and the influence of the input variables in the determination of the final class.
机译:本文提出了一种新的方法,用于从训练有素的支持向量机(SVM)中提取多类问题的模糊规则。 SVM已被应用于各种各样的应用程序。但是,SVM被视为“黑匣子模型”,其中未提供有关输入输出映射的解释。已经提出了减少这种限制的一些方法,但是,它们限于二进制分类问题以及在其前因中具有间隔或函数的符号规则的提取。因此,为了提高生成规则的可解释性,本文提出了一种新模型,用于从训练有素的SVM中提取模糊规则。此外,提出的模型被开发用于多类别问题的分类。生成的模糊规则以“ IF x_1是C_1 AND x_2是C_2 AND ... AND x_n是C_n,则THEn x =(x_1,x_2,…x_n)属于A类”的格式表示,其中C_1,C_2,...。 ..,C_n是模糊集。在四个基准数据库(Bupa肝病,威斯康星州乳腺癌,虹膜和葡萄酒)中评估了所建议的方法。获得的结果证明了所提出的方法生成一组可解释规则的能力,这些规则可解释数据库并确定最终类别时输入变量的影响。



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