首页> 外文会议>IEEE international semiconductor laser conference >A reconfigurable and hierarchical parallel processing architecture:performance results for stereo vision

A reconfigurable and hierarchical parallel processing architecture:performance results for stereo vision




A multiprocessor architecture called NETRA is discussed. It ishighly reconfigurable and does not involve the use of complexinterconnection schemes. The topology of this multiprocessor isrecursively defined and is therefore easily scalable from small to largesystems. It has a tree-type hierarchical architecture featuring leafnodes that consist of a cluster of small but powerful processorsconnected via a programmable crossbar with selective broadcastcapability. The architecture is simulated on a hypercube multiprocessorand the performance of one processor cluster is evaluated forstereo-vision tasks. The particular stereo algorithm selected forimplementation requires computation of the two-dimensional fast Fouriertransform (2-D FFT), template matching, histogram computation, andleast-squares surface fitting. Static partitioning of data is used forthe data-independent tasks such as 2-D FFT and dynamic scheduling, andload balancing is used for the data-dependent tasks of feature matchingand disambiguation
机译:讨论了一种称为NETRA的多处理器体系结构。它是高度可重新配置的,并且不涉及使用复杂的互连方案。该多处理器的拓扑是递归定义的,因此很容易从小型系统扩展到大型系统。它具有树型分层结构,其叶节点由一组小型但功能强大的处理器组成,这些处理器通过可编程的交叉开关连接,具有选择性的广播功能。在超立方体多处理器上对该体系结构进行了仿真,并针对立体视觉任务评估了一个处理器集群的性能。选择用于实现的特定立体声算法需要计算二维快速傅里叶变换(2-D FFT),模板匹配,直方图计算和最小二乘曲面拟合。数据的静态分区用于与数据无关的任务,例如2-D FFT和动态调度,而负载平衡用于特征匹配和消歧的与数据有关的任务



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