首页> 外文会议>2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability >A Preliminary Study on Design of Experiential Learning Interactive Teaching Material Integrated with Wayang Kulit

A Preliminary Study on Design of Experiential Learning Interactive Teaching Material Integrated with Wayang Kulit

机译:结合Wayang Kulit的体验学习互动教材设计初探。

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Wayang Kulit which is made of cowhide and controlled by bamboo sticks is the most traditional folk custom in the Malaysian shadow play in the area. It's similar to Chinese traditional shadow play. The content of the main performance of the Malaysia Wayang Kulit is based on the works of Indian literature in order to understand the world and themselves. However, the dilemma which we encountered is that the performance forms are more traditional and conservative. The main storybooks are too old to attract young people. Now we are making progress on the technology and interactive media and also creating a new performance model. So The Fusion Wayang Kulit founder - Tintoy Chuo uses the innovative elements of Star Wars to deduce new forms of performance content. Therefore, in this study I want to use Leap Motion sensor to combined with Unity 3D program, and refer the traditional Wayang Kulit to design innovative characters. The interactive system is based on experiential learning theory to construct learning content and simulate interactive game mode. This study will summarize the research results to provide the basis and reference for the future related traditional shadow puppet and Technology-assisted teaching.
机译:Wayang Kulit由牛皮制成,由竹棍控制,是该地区马来西亚皮影戏中最传统的民俗。这类似于中国传统的皮影戏。马来西亚Wayang Kulit的主要表演内容基于印度文学作品,以了解世界和他们自己。但是,我们遇到的难题是表演形式更加传统和保守。主要的故事书太老了,无法吸引年轻人。现在,我们在技术和交互式媒体上取得了进步,并且还在创建新的性能模型。因此,Fusion Wayang Kulit创始人-Tintoy Chuo利用《星球大战》的创新元素来演绎新形式的表演内容。因此,在这项研究中,我想将Leap Motion传感器与Unity 3D程序结合使用,并参考传统的Wayang Kulit来设计创新的角色。交互式系统基于经验学习理论,构造学习内容并模拟交互式游戏模式。本研究将总结研究成果,为今后相关的传统皮影戏和技术辅助教学提供基础和参考。



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