
Support Vector Machine Ensemble with Bagging


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Even the support vector machine (SVM) has been proposed to provide a good generalization performance, the classification result of the practically implemented SVM is often far from the theoretically expected level because their implementations are based on the approximated algorithms due to the high complexity of time and space. To improve the limited classification performance of the real SVM, we propose to use the SVM ensembles with bagging (bootstrap aggregating). Each individual SVM is trained independently using the randomly chosen training samples via a bootstrap technique. Then, they are aggregated into to make a collective decision in several ways such as the majority voting, the LSE(least squares estimation)-based weighting, and the double-layer hierarchical combining. Various simulation results for the IRIS data classification and the hand-written digit recognitionshow that the proposed SVM ensembles with bagging outperforms a single SVM in terms of classification accuracy greatly.
机译:即使已经提出了支持向量机(SVM)来提供良好的泛化性能,但由于时间复杂度高,实际实现的SVM的分类结果通常也与理论预期水平相差甚远,因为它们的实现基于近似算法和空间。为了提高实际SVM的有限分类性能,我们建议将SVM集成与装袋(引导聚合)结合使用。通过引导技术使用随机选择的训练样本对每个单独的SVM进行独立训练。然后,将它们汇总在一起,以多种方式做出集体决策,例如多数表决,基于LSE(最小二乘估计)的加权以及双层层次组合。 IRIS数据分类和手写数字识别的各种模拟结果表明,所提出的支持向量机与装袋的集成在分类准确度方面大大优于单个支持向量机。



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