首页> 外文会议>Fifteenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference Aug 12-14, 2003 Acapulco, Mexico >Guided Conversations about Leadership: Mentoring with Movies and Interactive Characters

Guided Conversations about Leadership: Mentoring with Movies and Interactive Characters


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Think Like a Commander - Excellence in Leadership (TLAC-XL) is an application designed for learning leadership skills both from the experiences of others and through a structured dialogue about issues raised in a vignette. The participant watches a movie, interacts with a synthetic mentor and interviews characters in the story. The goal is to enable leaders to learn the human dimensions of leadership, addressing a gap in the training tools currently available to the U.S. Army. The TLAC-XL application employs a number of Artificial Intelligence technologies, including the use of a coordination architecture, a machine learning approach to natural language processing, and an algorithm for the automated animation of rendered human faces.
机译:像指挥官一样思考-卓越的领导才能(TLAC-XL)是一款旨在学习领导技能的应用程序,可以从他人的经验以及通过有关小插图中提出的问题的结构化对话来学习。参与者观看电影,与综合导师互动并采访故事中的角色。目的是使领导者能够学习领导力的人文维度,从而解决目前美军可用的培训工具中的空白。 TLAC-XL应用程序采用了许多人工智能技术,包括使用协调体系结构,自然语言处理的机器学习方法以及用于渲染人脸的自动动画的算法。



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