首页> 外文会议>Entertainment computing - ICEC 2018 >A.R.M. - Augmented Reality Muscularity

A.R.M. - Augmented Reality Muscularity

机译:臂。 -增强现实肌肉

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The theory of embodied cognition states that cognition is influenced by the body we inhabit. Research on embodiment illusions has confirmed that our perceived body affects our behavior and disposition. Virtual and augmented reality applications make the experience of ownership over a different body more accessible, but these virtual bodies are seldom fully utilized. Instead, the focus often lies on the scenario or the virtual surroundings. As an initial exploration of the effectiveness of embodiment illusions within the domain of exergaming, we embodied participants with a virtual muscular arm. Results show that weight perception is not directly affected by this manipulation. However, we theorize that body alterations like this might affect players' motivation.



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