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Unlocking the poverty-environment dilemma in China’s Loess Plateau: a small watershed case study


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The Loess Plateau of northwestern China has long been facing environmental and socio-economic problems such as extensive soil erosion and chronic poverty.These issues are always interlinked and usually reinforce each other,and all pose a significant threat to regional sustainability.Moreover,it is a menace to the property and life safety of downstream reaches of the Yellow River.The situation in the gullied hilly regions(GHRs),a majority of the Loess Plateau,is even worse because of its more fragile ecosystem and heavy rural population pressure.Past single-disciplinary approach of research often resulted in feasible technologies but poor adaptability for regional development,therefore,a multidimensional strategy is required in finding sound solutions to these complex and interrelated challenges.A small catchment basin,Gaoquan Watershed(9.2 km2)in hinterland of Loess Plateau's gullied hilly regions,was chosen as a research site in 1986 and multi-disciplinary research and demonstrations have been carried out with emphasis on utilizing natural resources in an integrated manner.Rain-water harvesting methods were developed to mitigate adverse effect of water shortage; slope terracing and afforestation were combined to minimize soil erosion; improved dryland farming technologies and animal husbandry were integrated to increase agricultural productivity; and biogas-centered eco-farmyard systems were introduced to build an environment-friendly rural community.Long-term(1985-2010)monitoring and observation have shown significant results in the study area.Soil erosion reduced and local farmers' income increased remarkably.Successful practices of integrated natural resource management have led this marginal semi-arid catchment basin towards sustainable development,exhibiting the possibilities of achieving sustainability in Loess Plateau's vulnerable ecosystem.
机译:中国西北黄土高原长期以来一直面临着环境和社会经济问题,例如广泛的水土流失和长期贫困。这些问题始终是相互联系的,通常是相互促进的,并且都对区域可持续发展构成了重大威胁。对黄河下游地区的财产安全和生命安全构成威胁。黄土高原大部分地区的丘陵丘陵地区(GHRs)的状况由于其更加脆弱的生态系统和沉重的农村人口压力而更加恶化。单学科的研究方法往往导致可行的技术,但对区域发展的适应性较差,因此,需要一个多维策略来找到对这些复杂且相互关联的挑战的合理解决方案。一个小流域,内陆腹地高泉流域(9.2 km2)黄土高原的丘陵丘陵地区于1986年被选为研究地点,并进行了多学科研究和示范开展了综合利用自然资源的工作。开发了雨水收集方法以减轻缺水的不利影响;坡地和绿化相结合,以尽量减少水土流失;整合了改良的旱地耕作技术和畜牧业以提高农业生产力;引入以沼气为中心的生态农场系统,建立了环境友好的农村社区。1985-2010年的长期监测和观察在研究区取得了显著成效。水土流失减少,当地农民的收入显着增加。综合自然资源管理的成功做法已使这个边缘化的半干旱流域实现了可持续发展,展示了在黄土高原脆弱的生态系统中实现可持续性的可能性。



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