首页> 外文会议>Eleventh Conference on Sensors and Their Applications Sep, 2001 London, UK >The 'Angelo' Project: Stress Metrology as a Precondition for Improving Team-Working Performance

The 'Angelo' Project: Stress Metrology as a Precondition for Improving Team-Working Performance

机译:“ Angelo”项目:强调计量学是提高团队工作绩效的前提

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This paper deals with the growing importance of psycho-physiological stress experienced by call-centres employees. The "Angelo" Project has been issued to provide a solution for the improving of operators' working condition and for the consequent improving of customers' satisfaction. Here is described one of the modules that have been developed, where sensors are involved to detect individual stress. Some preliminary results are also shown, along with the evaluation techniques used.
机译:本文探讨了呼叫中心员工所承受的心理生理压力的日益增长的重要性。已发布“ Angelo”项目,旨在为改善操作员的工作条件并因此提高客户满意度提供解决方案。这里描述了已开发的模块之一,其中涉及传感器以检测单个应力。还显示了一些初步结果,以及所使用的评估技术。



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