首页> 外文会议>Eleventh Conference on Sensors and Their Applications Sep, 2001 London, UK >Optical Surface Second Harmonic Generation Applied to Non-Labelled DNA Hybridisation Assay

Optical Surface Second Harmonic Generation Applied to Non-Labelled DNA Hybridisation Assay


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In this paper we report the use of Surface Second Harmonic to detect DNA hybridisation on glass slides. Spots of lul of a single stranded 20 mer oligonucleotide (probes) were baked on Silanased glass slides and subsequently hybridised with the complementary strand. Surface Second Harmonic signal was generated at the slide surface by exposing it to a flashlamp pumped Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm. The SSH signal, at 532nm, of the baked and washed slide was found to increase dramatically at the location corresponding to the probe's spots. The SSH intensity also varied after the hybridisation step, which suggests that our SSH system can detect DNA hybridisation. Both deposition and hybridisation of the probes were confirmed with fluorescein labelled oligonucleotides. This work demonstrates the successful application of SSHG to hybridisation assay.
机译:在本文中,我们报告了使用表面第二谐波检测载玻片上的DNA杂交。将11μl单链20聚体寡核苷酸(探针)的斑点在Silanased载玻片上烘烤,随后与互补链杂交。表面第二谐波信号是通过将其暴露在工作于1064 nm的闪光灯泵浦的Nd:YAG激光器中而在滑动表面上产生的。发现在532nm处,经烘烤和洗涤的载玻片的SSH信号在与探针斑点相对应的位置急剧增加。杂交步骤后,SSH强度也有所不同,这表明我们的SSH系统可以检测DNA杂交。用荧光素标记的寡核苷酸确认探针的沉积和杂交。这项工作证明了SSHG在杂交测定中的成功应用。



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