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Mechanism of 'Order-Order' Kinetics in L1~2 Superstructure Studied by Computer Simulation


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Monte Carlo simulations of the isothermal long-range order (LRO) relaxation in A_3B system with L1_2 superstructure have been performed within a model based o na vacancy jump mechanism between nearest neighbour lattice sites. The studies aimed at the explanation of the origin of two simultaneous LRO relaxation processes experimentally observed in Ni_3Al. An effect of pair interactio nenergies and saddle-point energies (assigned to jumping atoms0 was studied. The preference of vacnacies for the A-sublattice (face centres), commonly postulated for Ni_3Al, occurred only for a narrow range of pair-interaction eneriges within the domain corresponding to L1_2 ordering. It was found that the appearance of the fast relaxation process is definitely correlated with the efficiency of B-atom jumps, as well as with the values of the saddle-point energies. The results lead to a microscopic model of the "order-order" relaxation in L1_2 superstructure and yield new indications for the choice of pair-interaction energy parameters applied in Monte Carlo simulations of atomci migration in L1_2 intermetallic compounds.
机译:在基于模型的最近邻晶格位点之间的空位跃迁机制内,对具有L1_2超结构的A_3B系统中的等温长程(LRO)弛豫进行了蒙特卡罗模拟。该研究旨在解释在Ni_3Al中实验观察到的两个同时发生的LRO弛豫过程的起源。对相互作用能和鞍点能量(分配给跳跃原子0的影响进行了研究。通常假设Ni_3Al对A亚晶格(面中心)的空位偏爱仅在范围内的一对相互作用能范围内出现结果表明,快速弛豫过程的出现与B原子跃迁的效率以及鞍点能量的值有关,从而建立了微观模型。 L1_2上部结构中“有序”弛豫的特性,并为在L1_2金属间化合物的原子迁移的蒙特卡罗模拟中应用的对相互作用能量参数的选择提供了新的指示。



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