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New approach for detection and identification of substances using THz TDS

机译:使用THz TDS检测和鉴定物质的新方法

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We propose and discuss new effective approach for the detection and identification of substances using a THz TDS. It consists in using a substance emission at high frequencies corresponding to high energy levels relaxation due to cascade mechanism of their excitation under the broadband THz pulse action. The second approach is based on a possibility of observing the absorption frequencies of substance under the frequency up-conversion. To explain a physical mechanism of considered possibilities we make a computer simulation using ID Maxwell's equations and density matrix formalism.
机译:我们提出并讨论了使用THz TDS进行物质检测和识别的新有效方法。它包括在宽带THz脉冲作用下,由于其激发的级联机制,使用与高能级弛豫相对应的高频物质发射。第二种方法是基于在频率上转换下观察物质吸收频率的可能性。为了解释考虑可能性的物理机制,我们使用ID Maxwell方程和密度矩阵形式主义进行了计算机模拟。



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