
Methodology for the monitoring, control and warning of defects for preventive maintenance of rails


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The preventive maintenance of rails is necessary for safe, successful and economical railway performance and operations. Rolling contact fatigue (RCF) is one of the main issues that concern the head of the railway. Progressively, RCF defects can propagate inside the material with the risk of damaging the rail, and thus they need to be monitored, categorized, evaluated, and treated through a comprehensive maintenance system. In a previous work with the Athens Metro, an innovative monitoring system was developed based on the capability of non-destructive techniques, such as IR thermography, to inspect and identify defects at early stages and reveal the activated paths of fracture (Moropoulou A., Avdelidis N., et al. Thermosense XXVII, 5782, 371-378, 2005). In the present work with the Athens Piraeus Electric Railways S.A. this system is further integrated into a complete system consisting of three components. The surveillance component identifies the rail defects and includes non-destructive techniques, such as visual inspection, infra-red thermography, ultrasonics, fiber optics microscopy, and ACFM. The data management component receives information from the various defect identification techniques, categorizes them and stores them for further use. The defect warning component uses risk indices such as defect level indices, defect extent indices, and risk threshold values, in order to evaluate the significance of the observed defects. All three components are part of a decision making system that monitors the development of defects, warns for significant threats and schedules rail maintenance.
机译:铁路的预防性维护对于确保安全,成功和经济的铁路性能和运营是必要的。滚动接触疲劳(RCF)是与铁路首长有关的主要问题之一。 RCF缺陷会逐渐在材料内部传播,并有损坏钢轨的风险,因此需要通过全面的维护系统对其进行监视,分类,评估和处理。在先前与雅典地铁的合作中,基于无损技术(例如红外热成像)的能力,开发了一种创新的监控系统,可以在早期阶段检查和发现缺陷并揭示断裂的激活路径(Moropoulou A., Avdelidis N.等人,Thermosense XXVII,5782,371-378,2005)。在与雅典比雷埃夫斯电力铁路公司的当前合作中,该系统被进一步集成到一个由三部分组成的完整系统中。监视组件可识别铁轨缺陷,并包括无损检测技术,例如目测,红外热成像,超声波,光纤显微镜和ACFM。数据管理组件从各种缺陷识别技术接收信息,将其分类并存储以备将来使用。缺陷警告组件使用风险指数(例如,缺陷级别指数,缺陷程度指数和风险阈值)来评估观察到的缺陷的重要性。这三个组成部分都是决策系统的一部分,该系统监视缺陷的发展,警告重大威胁并安排铁路维护计划。



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