首页> 外文会议>Beijing-International Conference on Several Complex Variables(SCV 2004, Beijing); 20041022-27; Beijing(CN) >On complex-tangential curves and homogeneous polynomials on the unit sphere on C~2

On complex-tangential curves and homogeneous polynomials on the unit sphere on C~2


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For d = l + m with I, m ≥ 1 integers, the monomial πl,m(z,ω)= d~d/l~lm~m~(1/2)z~lω~m (1.1) has maximum modulus one on the unit ball B_2 of C~2. The solution of πl,m (z,ω) = 1 on partial derivB_2 is easily seen to be a closed curve on the unit sphere partial derivB_2 given by γl, m(t) = (l/d~(1/2) e~(it) m/1~(1/2),m/d~(1/2) e~(-it)l/m~(1/2)). (1.2) The curve γl,m(t) is complex-tangential in the sense that < γi,m, γl,m > = 0. See [4] for more on the complex-tangential curves on the unit sphere of C~n. In this short paper, we propose and give a partial answer to Conjecture A If a homogeneous polynomial π on C~2 admits a closed complex-tangential analytic curve γ on partial derivB_2 with π(γ(t)) = 1 then π reduces to a monomial πl,m with l,m ≥ 1 integers by a unitary change of variables.
机译:对于d = l + m(I,m≥1的整数),单项πl,m(z,ω)= d〜d / l〜lm〜m〜(1/2)z〜lω〜m(1.1)最大C〜2的单位球B_2上的模数为1。容易将πl,m(z,ω)= 1的解看作是由γl给定的单位球面偏导B_2上的闭合曲线,m(t)=(l / d〜(1/2)e 〜(it)m / 1〜(1/2),m / d〜(1/2)e〜(-it)l / m〜(1/2))。 (1.2)在<γi,m,γl,m> = 0的意义上,曲线γl,m(t)是复切线的。有关C〜的单位球面上的复切线曲线的更多信息,请参见[4]。 。在这篇简短的论文中,我们提出并给出对猜想A的部分答案:如果C〜2上的齐次多项式π在π(γ(t))= 1的情况下允许偏导数B_2上的闭合复切线解析曲线γ,通过变量的unit变化得到l,m≥1个整数的单项式πl,m。



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