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I research about critical mass attainment in e-business trading communities. The term “critical massrnattainment” here denotes the boundary of my study. The term “trading community” is defined by not just thernmarket place host, but also by buyers, sellers, potential participants and other related actors (e.g. Standardsrnorganizations). Critical mass theory is my underlying research logic. The theory formalizes “why a smallrnsample of the population chooses to make big contribution to collective action while the majority does little orrnnothing” (Oliver et al. 1985). I view trading communities as a collective good. Thos who join in and contributernto trade during the infancy stages of a trading community are assumed to make a big contribution. My researchrnthus aims to differentiate those who joined and participated in a trading community earlier from those who didrnlatter. The differentiation is not only made in terms of just characteristics such as size and purchasing volumernbut also in terms of joining rationale. I assume that a trading community attaining critical mass is due tornsatisfied buyers and sellers. My research results would help trading communities in improving their marketingrneffectiveness and trading partners in evaluating a trading community. I do a positivist case study research.rnUnstructured interviews is my primary research method. Two initiatives that I study are Gatetrade and IBXrnmarketplaces. The first is Government to Business (G2B) and the second is Business to Business (B2B) inrnnature. The following are two examples of relationships that I have identified based on 25 interviews that I havernso far conducted. I) A trading partner’s commitment to an e-biz community is directly related to asset specificrninvestments that he or she has made for joining. Ii) An organization would more likely trade through an E-bizrncommunity when its purchasing practices within an organization are centralized instead of decentralized.
机译:我研究了电子商务交易社区中的关键质量实现。术语“临界质量获得”在这里表示我研究的边界。术语“交易社区”不仅由市场集市的主人定义,还由买方,卖方,潜在参与者和其他相关参与者(例如标准组织)定义。批判大众理论是我的基本研究逻辑。该理论正式化为“为什么一小部分人口选择为集体行动做出巨大贡献而大多数人却什么也没做”(Oliver等人,1985年)。我认为贸易社区是一种集体利益。假设在贸易社区的初期阶段加入并为贸易做出贡献的人们做出了巨大贡献。我的研究旨在使那些较早加入和参与交易社区的人与那些后来者有所区别。这种差异不仅取决于大小和购买量等特征,还取决于加入的理由。我认为一个达到临界质量的贸易社区是由于买卖双方不满意。我的研究结果将有助于贸易社区提高其营销效率,并帮助贸易伙伴评估贸易社区。我进行实证主义案例研究。非结构化访谈是我的主要研究方法。我研究的两个计划是Gatetrade和IBXrnmarketplaces。第一个是政府对企业(G2B),第二个是企业对企业(B2B)的性质。以下是我到目前为止进行的25次访谈中确定的两个关系示例。 I)贸易伙伴对电子商务社区的承诺与他或她加入的特定资产投资直接相关。 Ii)如果组织内部的购买行为是集中而非分散的,则组织更有可能通过电子社区进行交易。



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