
GaAs atomic-layer epitaxy in a rotating disc reactor


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Abstract: Current difficulties of Atomic Layer Epitaxy (ALE) include relatively low growth rates and narrow process windows. Gas phase reaction, complex behavior of valve switching and purging times are suggested as the major causes. We have used a movable X- shaped mechanical barrier to divide the growth chamber into four zones. Alternate zones either supply source gas or mask the wafer from exposure to source gases. If the barrier is positioned 0.5 - 2 mm from the wafer carrier, it can efficiently shear off the boundary layer and thereby reduce gas phase reactions. The substrate, continuously rotating beneath the barrier, is alternately exposed to group III and group V sources. The result is that process times are significantly reduced. Initial results have shown a saturated growth rate of up to 0.35 $mu@m/hour at 525$DGR@C and a relatively wide process window. Thickness uniformity of $POM 1% over 85% of a 2 inch wafer has been obtained. !7
机译:摘要:原子层外延(ALE)当前的困难包括相对较低的增长率和狭窄的工艺窗口。气相反应,阀切换的复杂行为和吹扫时间被认为是主要原因。我们使用了可移动的X形机械屏障将生长室分为四个区域。交替的区域供应源气体或掩盖晶片以免暴露于源气体。如果将阻挡层放置在距晶圆载体0.5-2 mm的位置,则可以有效地剪切掉边界层,从而减少气相反应。在势垒下方连续旋转的基板交替暴露于III组和V组源。结果是大大减少了处理时间。初步结果显示,在525 $ DGR @ C时,饱和增长率高达0.35 $ mu @ m / h,并且工艺窗口相对较宽。已获得2英寸晶片的85%的1%POPO厚度均匀性。 !7



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