
Design of robust pid parameters for distributed parameter processes


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A design method is proposed for a two disk type mixed sensitivity problem for a distributed parameter system whose transfer functions become transcendental functions. The controller is assumed to be PID type. In this paper, a method of systmeatical design of robust controllers in visualized manner is proposed. The gains of the controller are treated in a parameter plane where three inequality conditions - one regarding stability and two regarding sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions - are plotted. An intersection of these three areas satisfies the given robust conditions and stability condition. As this method essentially requires only the frequency response data and not necessarily requrie an exact mathematical model, thus it is versatile and applicable to practical problems. A heat exchanger is taken as an example of a distribution parameter process. By the experiment of the process with disturbances or parameter changes, we donfirm the robustness of the controler designed by this method. Copyright ~direct 2000 IFAC
机译:针对传递函数成为先验函数的分布式参数系统,提出了两盘式混合灵敏度问题的设计方法。假定控制器为PID型。本文提出了一种可视化的鲁棒控制器系统设计方法。在参数平面上处理控制器的增益,在该参数平面上绘制了三个不等式条件-一个关于稳定性,另一个关于灵敏度和互补灵敏度函数。这三个区域的交点满足给定的鲁棒条件和稳定性条件。由于该方法本质上仅需要频率响应数据,而不必要求一个精确的数学模型,因此它是通用的,适用于实际问题。以换热器为分布参数过程的一个例子。通过对有干扰或参数变化的过程进行实验,我们确认了该方法设计的控制器的鲁棒性。版权〜Direct 2000 IFAC



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