
Variable cotnrol parametrization for time-optimal problems


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A gradient matching method for computing bang-bang time-optimal controls is described. A horizon-depending auxiliary functional, parameterized by the horizon weighting factor, is minimized for an appropriately chosen sequence of the parameter values. Every iteration of quasi-Newton search for optimal wwitching times and horizon is preceded by a possible generation of new switchings and followed by a reduction of coinciding ones. The generations results from an analysis of the gradient of the auxiliary functional w.r.t control. The algorithm normally converges to a local minimum in control space, and the auxiliary function decreases monotonously during each stage of optimization with constant weighting parameter. An example of time-optimal control fo a pendulum-cart system is solved. Copyright ~direct 2000 IFAC
机译:描述了一种用于计算爆炸时间最优控制的梯度匹配方法。对于适当选择的参数值序列,将通过视域加权因子进行参数化的视视相关辅助功能最小化。拟牛顿搜索的最佳迭代时间和视域的每次迭代之前,都可能生成新的开关,然后减少一致的开关。这些生成是通过分析辅助功能w.t.t控件的梯度得出的。该算法通常会收敛到控制空间中的局部最小值,并且在具有恒定权重参数的优化的每个阶段,辅助函数都会单调减少。解决了摆车系统时间最优控制的例子。版权〜Direct 2000 IFAC



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