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Astronomy and space science inspire curiosity and wonder about our origins, exploration and future technologies. Young and old, boys and girls, men and women are attracted to these intriguing fields of study. One of the challenges we face as educators is how to maximize the number of meaningful interactions we have with the interested public. To connect with as many individuals as possible, the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre in Vancouver, Canada, facilitates an educational programme called Sharing Space (S~2). Using a hierarchy of space enthusiasts, this inspired audience gets personally involved with space science learning in a variety of roles. The process begins with one Space Centre educator training approximately 40 enthusiastic high school students. The students learn astronomy, rocketry basics and presentation skills. Their experience is enhanced with support by peer mentors, S~2 alumni, subject experts and faculty at the University of British Columbia. These students prepare for and rehearse a 2-hour space science workshop. When they're ready, pairs of high school students exercise their organizational and communications skills while sharing their energy, enthusiasm and knowledge of space with classes of elementary students. Sharing Space has been successful at all levels of its hierarchy. It provides high school students interested in science with self-confidence, skill building experiences and career training. It greatly expands the reach of the Space Centre outreach programmes in a cost-effective manner. It attracts corporate funding because it supports youth and builds community. It can be easily replicated by other organizations. Most importantly, it fulfills the mission of the Space Centre, "To educate, inspire and evoke a sense of wonder about the Universe, our planet, and space exploration." Through S~2, Space Centre educators reach dozens of high school students, mentors and teachers, and thousands of elementary school children each year.
机译:天文学和太空科学激发了人们的好奇心,并对我们的起源,探索和未来技术感到好奇。男女老少都被这些有趣的研究领域所吸引。作为教育工作者,我们面临的挑战之一是如何最大程度地与感兴趣的公众进行有意义的互动。为了与尽可能多的人联系,加拿大温哥华的H.R. MacMillan航天中心实施了名为“共享空间(S〜2)”的教育计划。通过使用太空爱好者的层次结构,这些受启发的观众可以以各种角色亲自参与太空科学学习。该过程始于一位太空中心的教育工作者,培训了大约40名热情的高中学生。学生学习天文学,火箭学的基本知识和演讲技巧。不列颠哥伦比亚大学的同伴导师,S〜2校友,学科专家和教师的支持使他们的经验得到了增强。这些学生为2小时的太空科学研讨会做准备和演练。当他们准备好后,成对的高中生将锻炼他们的组织和沟通技巧,同时与小学生班级分享他们的精力,热情和空间知识。共享空间已在其层次结构的各个级别上取得了成功。它为对科学感兴趣的高中生提供了自信,技能建设经验和职业培训。它以具有成本效益的方式大大扩展了空间中心外展计划的范围。它吸引了企业资金,因为它支持年轻人并建立社区。其他组织可以轻松复制它。最重要的是,它完成了航天中心的任务:“教育,启发和唤起人们对宇宙,我们的星球和太空探索的好奇心。”通过S〜2,太空中心的教育者每年可以接触到数十名高中生,导师和老师,以及成千上万的小学生。



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