
Scaling for the LibQUAL+~(TM) Instrument: A comparison of desired, perceived and minimum expectation responses versus perceived only

机译:LibQUAL +〜(TM)仪器的缩放比例:期望,感知和最小期望响应与仅感知响应之间的比较

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The LibQUAL+~(TM) web-based protocol was recently completed by 20,416 participants representing 43 universities. The present study investigated whether the perceptions of participants randomly assigned the LibQUAL+~(TM) short form (target: 40% of respondents) were comparable to those of participants responding in all three response frameworks (minimally-acceptable service quality; perceived levels of service quality; and desired levels of service quality). Those who use, fund, and work in contemporary research libraries increasingly recognize that "A measure of library quality based solely on collections has become obsolete" (Nitecki, 1996, p. 181).This realization led the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), whose membership includes the largest 123 research libraries in North America, to initiate the "New Measures" program. One of these initiatives is the LibQUAL+~' research and development project (Cook & Heath, 2000; Cook, Heath & B.Thompson, 2000). The LibQUAL+~(TM) research and development project is an ARL/Texas A&M University joint effort.This project is also supported, in part, by a multi-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE).
机译:基于LibQUAL +〜TM网络的协议最近由代表43所大学的20,416名参与者完成。本研究调查了随机分配LibQUAL +〜(TM)简短形式(目标:40%的受访者)的参与者的感知是否与在所有三个响应框架(最低可接受的服务质量;感知的服务水平)中做出响应的参与者的感知相当。质量;以及所需的服务质量水平)。在当代研究型图书馆中使用,资助和工作的人们越来越认识到“一种仅基于馆藏的图书馆质量衡量标准已经过时了”(Nitecki,1996,第181页)。这种认识促使研究图书馆协会(ARL) ,其成员包括北美最大的123个研究图书馆,以发起“新措施”计划。这些举措之一是LibQUAL +〜'的研发项目(Cook&Heath,2000; Cook,Heath&B.Thompson,2000)。 LibQUAL +〜(TM)研究和开发项目是ARL /得克萨斯州A&M大学的共同努力。该项目还得到了美国教育部改善后中等教育基金的多年资助。 (FIPSE)。



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