首页> 外文会议>2014 IEEE Workshop on Electronics, Computer and Applications >Research of Instructional System on Imagery of Chinese Characters

Research of Instructional System on Imagery of Chinese Characters


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An Instructional System on Imagery of Chinese Characters (ISICC) was designed and implemented to overcome the difficulties for foreigners in learning Chinese characters in this paper. Imagery of Chinese Characters (ICC) referred to a kind of Chinese character psychological image constructed to discover the relationship between character structure and character meaning according to the theory of etymology and modern life grounds, using the character structure as the point of departure. The construction of the corpus of ICC was a core to ISICC. The ICC items of the corpus were gathered from teachers in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and the foreign learners. It didn't pursue whether consistent with the Chinese character's origin or not. The ICC items displayed according to the priority which would be evaluated by social voting, not by experts. In addition to the common organizing methods of pinyin, stroke, but also we presented a new three-level Chinese characters components expansion approach, as is useful to associative memory for foreigners.
机译:为了克服外国人学习汉字的困难,设计并实施了汉字图像教学系统(ISICC)。汉字意象(ICC)是一种汉字心理意象,它是根据词源学理论和现代生活基础,以汉字结构为出发点,发现汉字结构与汉字含义之间的关系的。 ICC语料库的构建是ISICC的核心。语料库的ICC项目是从教授对外汉语的老师和外国学习者那里收集的。它没有追求与汉字的起源是否一致。根据优先级显示的ICC项目将由社会投票而不是专家评估。除了常用的拼音,笔画组织方法外,我们还提出了一种新的三级汉字成分扩展方法,这对于外国人联想记忆很有用。



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