首页> 外文会议>2012 International conference on cyberworlds. >Visual support system for selecting reactive elements in intelligent environments

Visual support system for selecting reactive elements in intelligent environments


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Concerning gestural interaction in realistic environments there often is an offset between perceived and actual direction of pointing that makes it difficult to reliably select elements in the environment. This work presents a visual support system that provides feedback to a user gesturing freely in an environment and thus enabling reliable selection of and interaction with reactive elements in intelligent environments. A prototype has been created that is showcasing this feedback method based on gesture recognition using the Microsoft Kinect and feedback provision using a custom laser-robot. Finally an evaluation has been performed, in order to prove the efficiency of such a system, acquire usability feedback and determine potential learning effects for gesture-based interaction.
机译:关于现实环境中的手势交互,通常在感知指向和实际指向之间存在偏移,这使得难以可靠地选择环境中的元素。这项工作提出了一种视觉支持系统,该系统可以向用户提供在环境中自由打手势的反馈,从而可以在智能环境中可靠地选择反应性元素并与之交互。已经创建了一个原型,展示了基于Microsoft Kinect的手势识别和使用自定义激光机器人的反馈提供的这种反馈方法。最后,已经进行了评估,以证明这种系统的效率,获取可用性反馈并确定基于手势的交互的潜在学习效果。



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