首页> 外文会议>2012 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops. >Auto dock-based incremental docking protocol to improve docking of large ligands

Auto dock-based incremental docking protocol to improve docking of large ligands


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It is well known that computer-aided docking of large ligands, with many rotatable bonds, is extremely difficult. AutoDock is a widely used docking program that can dock small ligands, with upto 5 or 6 rotatable bonds, accurately and quickly. Docking of larger ligands, however, is not very accurate and is computationally expensive. In this paper we present an AutoDock-based incremental docking protocol which docks a large ligand to its target protein in increments. A fragment of the large ligand is first chosen and then docked. Best docked conformations are incrementally grown and docked again, and this process is repeated until all the atoms of the ligand are docked. Each docking operation is performed using AutoDock. However, in each docking operation only a small number of rotatable bonds are allowed to rotate. We did a systematic docking study on a dataset of 73 protein-ligand complexes derived from the core set of PDBbind database. The number of rotatable bonds in the ligands vary from 7 to 30. Docking experiments were done to evaluate the docking performance of the incremental protocol in comparison to AutoDock's standard protocol. Results from the study show that, on average over the dataset, docking of large ligands using our incremental protocol is 23-fold computationally faster than docking using AutoDock's standard protocol and also has comparable or better accuracy. We propose that, for docking large ligands, our incremental protocol can be used as an alternative to AutoDock's standard protocol.
机译:众所周知,具有许多可旋转键的大型配体的计算机辅助对接非常困难。 AutoDock是一种广泛使用的对接程序,可以精确,快速地对接多达5或6个可旋转键的小配体。然而,较大配体的对接不是很准确,并且在计算上昂贵。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于AutoDock的增量对接方案,该方案可将大型配体逐步对接至其靶蛋白。首先选择大配体的片段,然后对接。最佳的对接构象逐渐增长并再次对接,然后重复此过程,直到配体的所有原子都对接。每个对接操作均使用AutoDock执行。但是,在每个对接操作中,仅允许少量的可旋转键旋转。我们对来自PDBbind数据库核心集的73种蛋白质-配体复合物的数据集进行了系统的对接研究。配体中可旋转键的数量从7到30不等。与AutoDock的标准协议相比,进行了对接实验以评估增量协议的对接性能。研究结果表明,在整个数据集中,使用我们的增量方案对接大配体的速度平均比使用AutoDock标准协议对接的速度快23倍,并且具有相当或更高的准确性。我们建议,对接大型配体时,我们的增量方案可以用作AutoDock标准方案的替代方案。



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