首页> 外文会议>1996 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 96 Bochum, Germany, July 16-19, 1996 >Nonparametric Data Selection for Improvement of Parametric Neural Learning: A Cumulant-Surrogate Method

Nonparametric Data Selection for Improvement of Parametric Neural Learning: A Cumulant-Surrogate Method


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We introduce a nonparametric cumulant based statistical approach for detecting linear and nonlinear statistical dependences in non-stationary time series. The statistical dependence is detected by measuring the predictability which tests the null hypothesis of statistical independence, expressed in Fourier-space, by the surrogate method. Therefore, the predictability is defined as a higher-order cumulant based isgnificance discriminating between the original data and a set of scrambled surrogate data which correspond to the null hypothesis of a non-caual relationship between past and present. In this formulation nonlinear and non-Gaussian temproal dependences can be detected in time series. Information about the predictability can be used for example to select regions where a temporal structure is visible in order to select data for training a neural network for prediction. The regions where only a noisy behavior is observed are therefore ignored avoiding i this fashion the learning of irrelevant noise which normally spoils the generalization characteristics of the neural network.



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