
Product Life-Cycle Modeling Utilizing SysML Modeling


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Functional modeling and SysML/UML are defined communication languages that engineers and related disciplines use to communicate the nature of engineering products. We often see functional modeling and SysML/UML used to describe large, physical entities, such as airplanes or space craft. Systems engineers use functional modeling to decompose these large systems into subsystems. Each subsystem has defined requirements, defined roles and responsibilities (functions), and definable interfaces. Each subsystem consists of electrical hardware, mechanical hardware, and computer software. Functional modeling and SysML/UML can also be used for modeling program/project management processes, systems engineering processes, and manufacturing processes. Many organizations use an array of flow charts, organization charts, network diagrams, and spreadsheets to define engineering processes. This paper presents how Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) used functional modeling and SysML/UML to define the design and development processes and procedures for a product realization process (PRP) called the Integrated Phase Gate (IPG) Process. The use of functional modeling helped the organization more readily accept the use of systematic modeling for developing PRP. Additionally, this paper will explore the value of using SysML/UML over functional modeling in order to completely specify process and process artifacts.
机译:功能建模和SysML / UML是定义的通信语言,工程师和相关学科使用这些语言来交流工程产品的本质。我们经常看到功能建模和SysML / UML用于描述大型物理实体,例如飞机或航天器。系统工程师使用功能建模将这些大型系统分解为子系统。每个子系统都有明确的要求,明确的角色和职责(功能)以及可定义的接口。每个子系统由电气硬件,机械硬件和计算机软件组成。功能建模和SysML / UML也可以用于对程序/项目管理过程,系统工程过程和制造过程进行建模。许多组织使用一系列流程图,组织结构图,网络图和电子表格来定义工程流程。本文介绍了桑迪亚国家实验室(SNL)如何使用功能建模和SysML / UML来定义称为集成相门(IPG)流程的产品实现流程(PRP)的设计和开发流程以及过程。使用功能建模有助于组织更容易地接受使用系统建模来开发PRP。此外,本文将探讨在功能建模上使用SysML / UML的价值,以便完全指定过程和过程工件。



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