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人工育王的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计80篇,主要集中在畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、昆虫学 等领域,其中期刊论文79篇、专利文献68242篇;相关期刊22种,包括昆虫学报、湖北农机化、河南畜牧兽医(市场版)等; 人工育王的相关文献由116位作者贡献,包括关山峰、曾志将、王志等。



论文:79 占比:0.12%


论文:68242 占比:99.88%





  • 关山峰
  • 曾志将
  • 王志
  • 匡海鸥
  • 赵永春
  • 刘富海
  • 刘忠海
  • 刘鑫
  • 吴小波
  • 樊莹
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈道泽
    • 摘要: 如何培育出健壮高产的蜂王,应从人工育王的点点滴滴抓起,注意操作的每一个细节。一、从选择母父本群开始平时密切关注蜂群的品性特征,做长期的观察和记录,将具有强大生产力的优秀蜂群选作父本和母本群,也就是挑选产卵率高、采集力强、能维持大群、抗病力强、抗逆性好及性情温驯的作种群,以传承优秀基因,进行提纯复壮。
    • 赵亚周; 韩胜明; 陈晓
    • 摘要: 一、蜂王培育的生物学解释蜂王是蜂群中最重要的个体,也是唯一可以生育工蜂的个体。它几乎是作为一个产卵机器而存在,蜜粉源充足时每天可产卵1500~2000粒,高峰时甚至更多,超过自身体重,一生累计产卵100多万粒。健康蜂王的寿命长达7年,甚至更久,但在实际养蜂生产中,蜂王寿命常会受到蜂群状况、病虫害、农药等影响而缩短。
    • 姜云光
    • 摘要: 说起中蜂育王,经历颇多,感想也多。一、中蜂育王的现状中蜂饲养者以六七十岁的老人居多,以粗放管理为主,多利用自然王台。有部分人重视良种选育和人工育王,但所移虫龄偏大,制作的蜡台不够标准,蜡碗直径过大、高度偏高、底座太薄,使得王台接受率低,处女王品质差,还不如自然王台育出的蜂王好。
    • 张前卫; 吴娟; 刘学蛟; 吴高奇
    • 摘要: 蜂王的好坏,对蜂群生活力的强弱和生产力的高低有很大关系。因此,改变蜂农长期使用自然王台来换王和分蜂方式,改良中蜂原有的野生习性和种性,提高生产力,推进发展,使其增产增收,首先要从人工培育优良蜂王着手。
    • 陈道泽
    • 摘要: 夫妻俩管理150~200群蜂,规模不算大,每天各种各样的事情总是一大堆,移虫刮浆,抖蜂摇蜜,人工育王,添脾加础,投药治螨,配药施药等,有时竟忙得连饭都吃不上,那么,怎样才能提高蜂群管理的效率?一、制定计划,备足生产资料四季赶花,奔波一年,要全面总结一年的胜败得失,未来一年如何发展。饲养多少群蜂,需要多少蜂具、饲料和蜂药,现有数量,需要添置的数量,列出购置清单表,将要添置的品种、规格、数量等写下.
    • 廖亚; 龙关林; 李华
    • 摘要: 本文主要是对人工育王在中蜂优良品种选育中的作用进行了一定分析,通过分析蜂王哺育群和蜂王培育的操作技术来促进蜂群的可持续性发展,让我国的中华蜜蜂养殖可以得到更高的质量和产量.
    • 董关榕
    • 摘要: 定地养中蜂适当进行分蜂宜常年保持强群。现介绍我春季分蜂做法:一、采用强群人工育王强盛的中蜂群6~7张蛹脾,蜂量8~9框。气温下降,盐肤木蜜源快结束,强群产雄蜂、造王台的很少,到来年春花期就是先产雄蜂造王台的强群。经检查发现,雄蜂蛹封盖、基台多个,台基里有卵就可以把蜂王除掉,蜂王除掉的当天就可以人工育王
    • 廖春华; 张波; 史晶亮; 吴小波
    • 摘要: [Aim] This study aims to determine the effects of three low doses of fluvalinate on the quality of reared queens of the western honey bee,Apis mellifera.[Methods] Queens were caged to lay eggs for 8 h.The larvae hatched from those eggs were transplanted into queen cells for queen rearing,and fed with 2 μL syrup containing different concentrations of fluvalinate (0,0.05,0.5 and 5 mg/kg) since the 2nd day of larval stage using a micro sampling syringe injector.The numbers of capped queen cells after feeding for three days and emerged queens in the four groups were recorded,and the birth weight and thorax width of newly emerged queens were also measured.The expression levels of three genes (Vg,hexll0 and hex70b) in queen ovaries were also assayed by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR).[Results] The results showed that the proportion of capped queen cells with larvae in the 5 mg/kg fluvalinate group was significantly lower than those in the 0.05 mg/kg fluvalinate group,0.5 mg/kg fluvalinate group and the control group (0 mg/kg fluvalinate),while there was no significant difference among the latter three groups.The emergence rates of reared queens in the 0.5 mg/kg fluvalinate group and 5 mg/kg fluvalinate group were significantly lower than those in the 0.05 mg/kg fluvalinate group and the control group.There was no significant difference in the birth weight and thorax width of reared queens among the four experimental groups.The results of qPCR analysis indicated that the relative expression level of Vg and hex110 in the ovary of queens reared in the 5 mg/kg fluvalinate group were significantly lower than those reared in the 0.05 mg/kg fluvalinate group,0.5 mg/kg fluvalinate group and the control group,while there was no significant difference among the latter three groups.The relative expression levels of hex70b gene in the ovary of queens reared in the 5 mg/kg fluvalinate group and 0.5 mg/kg fluvalinate group were significantly lower than that reared in the control group,while the relative expression level of hex70b in the ovary of queens reared in the 0.05 mg/kg fluvalinate group was not significantly different from those in the other three groups.[Conclusion] The results indicate that the quality of reared queens of A.mellifera will be affected when the residue of fluvalinate in their food exceeds 0.5 mg/kg.%[目的]本实验旨在研究3个低浓度氟胺氰菊酯对西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera育王质量的影响.[方法]控制蜂王产卵8h,孵化后进行人工育王,从移虫第2天起每天用微量进样器分别给王台中小幼虫饲喂2μL含有0.05,0.5和5 mg/kg氟胺氰菊酯的糖水,以饲喂纯糖水作为对照组并进行标记.连续饲喂3d后,记录王台的封盖数,待蜂王出房时,统计出房数,测其初生重、胸宽;利用实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)方法检测蜂王卵巢中卵黄蛋白原基因(vg)、储存蛋白基因(hex110和hex7Ob)的相对表达量.[结果]5 mg/kg氟胺氰菊酯处理组王台封盖率显著低于0.05和0.5 mg/kg剂量组及对照组,但后3组之间差异不显著;5 mg/kg和0.5 mg/kg剂量组蜂王出房率显著低于0.05 mg/kg剂量组及对照组;4个试验组之间蜂王初生重及胸宽差异不显著.qPCR结果显示,5mg/kg剂量组蜂王卵巢中vg和hex110基因的相对表达量均显著低于0.05和0.5 mg/kg剂量组及对照组,但后3组之间差异不显著;0.5 mg/kg剂量组和5 mg/kg剂量组蜂王卵巢hex70b基因相对表达量显著低于对照组,但0.05 mg/kg剂量组蜂王卵巢hex70b基因相对表达量与0.5和5 mg/kg剂量组及对照组均差异不显著.[结论]本研究结果说明,食物中氟胺氰菊酯含量超过0.5 mg/kg时,会影响西方蜜蜂育王培育质量.
    • 张祖芸; 余玉生; 胡宗文; 张学文; 王艳辉
    • 摘要: A total of 6 bee groups cultured by different rearing queen methods (area spawning and natural spawning) were collected. 40 morphological indexes of 15 worker bees(Apis L.) in each group were determined consulting the 38 morphologi-cal indexes of the bees raised by Ruttner. The results showed that, of 18 indexes related to size and shape of bees indica-tors, 15 indicators in experimental group were higher than the control group, the difference of metatarsus length and length of the third sternit reached significant level; while the difference of proboscis length, tibia lenght, metatarsus width and waxmirror length, waxmirror width, waxmirror distance of the 3rd sternit, the 6th sternit length and swidth reached very sig-nificant level, indicating that controlling the queen to laying in a specific area of could increase the size of worker bees off-springs. The size of cubital a and b of the test group reduced; while among the 11 cubital angles, 7 decreased; moreover, the number of wing hook also reduced, indcating that different raring queen method can cause changes in bee wing type and cubital. Among 8 bee colour related indicators, pigment scutellum K, B and pigment of 1st labrum 1 (Lab1) of the experi-mental group was significantly greater than that of the control group; while the pigment of the 4th tergit of the experimental group was significantly smaller than that of the control group, indicating that different ways of rearing queen can cause dif-ferent degrees of variation of bee colour. Different ways of rearing queen cause different morphological change of c worker bees, which provide reference for cultivating high-quality bee queens.%采集区域产卵和自然产卵2种不同人工育王方式培育下的蜜蜂﹝Apis L.)群各3群.参照Ruttner提出的38个蜜蜂形态指标进行测定,每群测定15只工蜂,每只测定40个指标.结果显示,18个跟蜜蜂体型大小相关的指标中,有15个指标试验组大于对照组,其中跗节长﹑第三腹板长的差异达到显著水平;而吻长﹑胫节长﹑跗节宽﹑第三腹板蜡镜长﹑第三腹板蜡镜斜长﹑第三腹板蜡镜间距﹑第六腹板长﹑第六腹板宽的差异达到极显著水平,说明控制蜂王在特定区域产卵的方法能使其后代工蜂的体型增大;而试验组的肘脉a和肘脉b都减小,11个翅脉角中有7个减小,后翅翅够数也减小,说明不同的育王方式能引起蜜蜂翅型和翅脉的变化,但多数差异不显著.在8个跟蜜蜂体色相关的指标中,试验组的小盾片颜色K﹑颜色B和喙的颜色Lab1均大于对照组,差异达到极显著水平,而试验组第四背板颜色小于对照组,差异达到极显著水平,说明不同的育王方式能引起蜜蜂体色不同程度的变化.由此表明,不同的人工育王方式能使后代工蜂的形态发生不同程度的改变,这为培育优质蜂王提供了参考.
    • 杨辉; 覃智卫; 潘承管
    • 摘要: 养殖中锋,要把蜂产业发展大,必须培育出优良的蜂王。好的蜂王产卵多、蜂群强、抗病能力抗外界干扰能力强、产蜜量多,就会获得好的经济效益,同时提高我州的生态效益。本试验采用活框饲养技术改造都匀市本地不同来源的中华蜜蜂,选择不同的亲本进行人工杂交选育蜂王,此育王的方法,繁殖快,成功率高,且亲本的优良遗传性选择目的性强,对本地优良蜂资源的保护和开发利用是极为有利的,且经济效益显著。
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