首页> 外国专利> A method for piecing of in the case of the enamel electrolytic recovery of metals, in particular of aluminum, and carbon anodes used ergaenzbare anode for use in the fused salt electrolytic reduction

A method for piecing of in the case of the enamel electrolytic recovery of metals, in particular of aluminum, and carbon anodes used ergaenzbare anode for use in the fused salt electrolytic reduction



802,959. Electric furnace electrodes. MONTECATINI SOC. GENERALE PER L'INDUSTRIA MINERARIA E CHIMICA and VARDA, G. DE. Dec. 6, 1955 [Dec. 31, 1954], No. 34922/55. Class 39(3) [Also in Group XXXVI] In fused salt electroylsis, e.g. of aluminium compounds, in which a consumable anode 9 is employed, the anode is periodically restored by locating a replaceable layer 14, e.g. of electrodic carbon, against the surface of the anode 9 to be restored to leave an interstice between the anode 9 and the layer 14, an electrically conductive durably liquid layer, e.g. of fused electrolyte, being formed in the interstice. A carbonaceous substance, e.g. carbon dust, may be suspended in the liquid, which is introduced into the interstice. The liquid is poured into the interstice while the layer 14 is held about 2 mm. away from the electrode 9, the layer 14 being slowly advanced towards the electrode to take up its final position as the interstice is filled. In one embodiment. Fig. 4, in which statioary inclined anodes 9 are employed, the layer 14, which may be 3 to 10 cms. thick, is preheated and its rear face may be corrugated or undulating to correspond with similar shapes on the face of the anode, its lower edge 17 resting on an inert ledge 18. A plurality of juxtaposed strips may form the layer 14. A stop, e.g. of magnesite, alumina or aluminium nitride prevents the layer 14 rising in the bath. In the interstice, pitch, a molten metal, e.g. aluminium, (where the .cell is producing aluminium) fior ne carbon dust e.g. in fused bath, may be dispersed to increase the conductivity. In another embodiment, Fig. 7 in which vertically adjustable anodes 21 are employed, the anodes 21 are withdrawn from the bath and the replaceable layer, which is a plate 22 having a peripheral flange 22SP1/SP, its floated on the bath 2. On the inner face of the plate 22, which may be corrugated, a thin layer 23 of fine carbon dust, aluminium chips, a mixture of bath and carbon dust or molten aluminium, e.g. of 1 per cent to 5 per cent by weight of the plate 22, may be spread. The anode 21 is then lowered to contact the plate 22. A protective layer 24. e.g. fused or sintered alumina or magnesia, or aluminium nitride may cover all but the lower face of the anodes 21. The method described with reference to Fig. 7 is equally applicable to self-bakd Soderberg anodes, and the restorable layer may comprise a plurality of mating strips flanged at least at one end. Specification 800,092 is referred to.
机译:802,959。电炉电极。蒙特卡蒂尼SOC。墨西哥通用化工和瓦达,德国。 1955年12月6日[1954年3月31日],第34922/55号。 39(3)类[也属于XXXVI组]在熔融盐电解中,例如在其中使用消耗性阳极9的铝化合物组成的阳极中,通过设置可置换层14,例如阳极,周期性地恢复阳极。一层导电碳,紧贴在要还原的阳极9的表面上,从而在阳极9和层14之间留下空隙,该导电的,持久的液体层例如是碳纳米管。在缝隙中形成熔融电解质。碳质物质,例如碳尘可能会悬浮在液体中,然后被引入空隙中。当层14保持约2mm时,将液体倒入空隙中。远离电极9,层14被缓慢地朝向电极推进,以在填充空隙时占据其最终位置。在一实施例中。图4中,采用了倾斜的阳极9,层14可以是3至10cms。厚的金属箔被预热,其后表面可呈波纹状或起伏状,以与阳极表面上的相似形状相对应,其下边缘17位于惰性壁架18上。多个并列的条带可形成层14。例如菱镁矿,氧化铝或氮化铝的混合物防止层14在熔池中上升。在空隙中,浇注熔融金属,例如铝粉(.cell产生铝的地方)的碳粉尘,例如在熔池中,可以分散以增加导电性。在另一个实施例中,在图7中,采用了垂直可调节的阳极21,将阳极21从熔池和可替换层中撤出,该可替换层是具有外围凸缘22 1 的板22,在可能是波纹状的板22的内表面上,形成细碳粉,铝屑,镀液和碳粉的混合物或熔融铝的薄层23,例如板22重量的1%至5%可以散布。然后降低阳极21以接触板22。熔融或烧结的氧化铝或氧化镁,或氮化铝可覆盖阳极21的下表面以外的所有表面。参照图7描述的方法同样适用于自粘结式Soderberg阳极,可恢复层可包括多个至少在一端带有法兰的配合条。参考规格800,092。


  • 公开/公告号DE1154948B


  • 公开/公告日1963-09-26


  • 申请/专利权人 MONTEDISON SPA;




  • 分类号C25C3/06;C25C3/12;

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  • 入库时间 2022-08-23 17:11:15


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