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Improvements in or relating to Methods and Apparatus for Recording the Contour Lines of Topographic Surfaces.



1,170,955. Echo-sounding. INSTITUT FRANCAIS DU PETROLE, DES CARURANTS ET LUBRIFIANTS. 18 Nov., 1966 [19 Nov., 1965], No. 51725/66. Heading H4D. In an echo-sounding system for the direct recording of contour lines, e.g. of the sea bed, transmitting devices or receiving devices are so spaced that wave interference occurs on transmission or reception, and the spacing and/or the wavelength to which the receiving devices respond is varied during the echo interval to satisfy the relationship where # is the wavelength, h is the spacing, #H is the required contour interval, and r is the slant range of a reflection point, M, producing the echo. In a first embodiment a strip of the sea bed at right-angles to the course of a ship is examined by a side-looking sonar having a transmitter which transmits an acoustic wavetrain at one second intervals. The echo from point M is arranged to be received in phase at a plurality of receivers R for all values of r by varying the receiver geometry during the echo interval. Thus, a number of receiver arrays of different geometry may be connected in turn to an echo-recorder during the echo interval. In a second embodiment the receiver geometry is constant but several ultrasonic frequencies are transmitted simultaneously as a wave-train and the receiving system is made responsive to each frequency in turn during the echo interval, thereby effectively varying # to maintain the required relationship. In a third embodiment both the receiver geometry and # are effectively varied. In a modification, receivers of fixed geometry and transmitters of variable geometry may be employed. When transmitters and receivers are mounted on a curved surface of the ship's hull, compensation for phase delays due to the curvature is provided. It is stated that the invention may also be applied to determining contours of the surface of the earth from an aircraft, using interference of radar beams, or contours of closer objects using laser beams.
机译:1,170,955。回声。法国法兰西岛法兰西研究所。 1966年11月18日[1965年11月19日],编号51725/66。标题H4D。在回声测深系统中,用于直接记录等高线,例如在海床中,发射设备或接收设备的间距应使发射或接收时发生波干扰,并且在回波间隔内接收设备响应的间隔和/或波长会发生变化,以满足以下关系:波长,h是间距,#H是所需的轮廓间隔,r是产生回波的反射点M的倾斜范围。在第一实施例中,通过侧视声纳检查一条与船舶航向成直角的海床带,该声纳具有一个发射器,该发射器每隔一秒发射一次声波。通过在回波间隔期间改变接收器的几何形状,将来自点M的回波安排为在r的所有值的多个接收器R处同相接收。因此,在回波间隔期间,多个不同几何形状的接收器阵列可以依次连接到回波记录器。在第二实施例中,接收器的几何形状是恒定的,但是几个超声频率作为波列被同时发送,并且使得接收系统在回波间隔期间依次响应于每个频率,从而有效地改变#以维持所需的关系。在第三实施例中,接收器的几何形状和#都有效地改变。在修改中,可以采用固定几何形状的接收器和可变几何形状的发送器。当发射器和接收器安装在船体的弯曲表面上时,可以补偿由于曲率引起的相位延迟。应该指出,本发明还可以用于利用雷达束的干涉来确定飞机的地球表面轮廓,或者利用激光束来确定较近物体的轮廓。



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