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An apparatus for identifying relatively with respect to a query device stretching bound vehicles



1,023,754. Track apparatus. PHILIPS ELECTRONIC & ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES April 8, 1964 [April 11, 1963], No. 14487/64. Heading B7N. [Also in Division H4] In a system for identifying objects which are movable relative to a sensing device, each object (e.g. a rail truck) carries at least one information element which transmits a signal to the sensing device indicative of the particular object and the sensing device comprises a radiator which produces a radiation field having zero intensity in a particular plane, each information element comprising means for receiving this radiation field and strongly attenuating the transmission of the indicative signal when the radiation field is being received. In the simplest described embodiment, Fig. 1, the sensing device TC comprises an amplifier V having two inputs fed in opposition by two vertical magnetic dipole antennµ R1 and R2 and its output fed to a similar antenna T placed midway between the antenna R1 and R2. There is thus normally no coupling between the input and output of the amplifier and the amplifier is stable. Each object TR carries a plurality of information elements K1-Kn comprising a tuned circuit, tuned to a specific frequency, such that when a particular element approaches antennµ R1, T and R2, the difference in the distances of the element from antenna R1 and R2 produces an output from the amplifier which is fed back to antenna T such that the output of the amplifier oscillates at the frequency of the element, which frequency can be identified by a bank of tuned filters FF. The sensing device also comprises two vertical magnetic dipoles A1 and A2 fed by generator GA with signals of equal frequency and amplitude but with opposite phases, such that the resulting radiation field has a plane of zero intensity MV at right angles to the direction of travel of the object and the plane of the information elements. Each information element comprises means whereby reception of the signal from dipoles A1 and A2 causes severe damping of the associated tuned circuit. One type of information element is illustrated in Fig. 3 (not shown), and comprises a first tuned circuit L1/C1 tuned to the indicative frequency and a second tuned circuit L2/C2 tuned to the frequency of the signal from dipoles A1 and A2. The two tuned circuits are coupled by a diode G1, such that energization of the second tuned circuit by reception of the signal from dipoles A1 and A2 renders the diode conductive and puts a very low damping resistance across the first tuned circuit. A second type of information element is illustrated in Fig. 4 (not shown), and comprises a first tuned circuit L3/C3 as before directly connected to the second tuned circuit L4/C4 with the diodes shunting one or both of the inductors of the tuned circuits. The operation of the system is therefore such that the output of the amplifier only oscillates at the indicative frequency when the particular information element is substantially on the plane MV. In a second embodiment, Fig. 6 (not shown), the plane MV is caused to follow the object as it moves in front of the sensing device and to scan the information elements in rapid succession. In addition to the antennµ R1, T, R2, A1 and A2 two further dipoles B1 and B2, possibly coincident with A1 and A2, fed in antiphase from generator GB, and a horizontal receiving dipole BR are provided. A simple tuned circuit K L is provided on the object, tuned to the frequency of generator GB. The position of the zero intensity plane of the field produced by dipoles B1 and B2 is varied by a modulator MB changing the relative amplitudes of the signals fed to the two dipoles. The phase and amplitude of the signal received by tuned circuit K2 and reflected thereby to be received by antenna BR depends on the position of circuit K L relative to the zero intensity plane. The received signal is compared in phase-sensitive detector FG with the output of generator GB, to produce a signal which is fed to control modulator MB, such that the zero intensity plane seeks and follows element K2. The output of detector FG is also fed to a modulator MA determining the ratio of the amplitudes of the antiphase signals fed to antennµ A1 and A2, such that the zero plane of the radiation field produced by these antennµ follows the information element K1. The signal received by antenna BR as the object approaches line MV first increases to a maximum due to the inverse square increase of the induction field with lessening distance, and then decreases to zero due to the decreasing angle subtended by the element K2 with respect to the line of antenna BR. As the element K L crosses line MV and moves further away therefrom the signal increases to a maximum and then starts to decrease. The thus varying output of amplifier VB is detected at DG and fed to a pulse shaper PS which changes its state on a certain threshold being reached, and so produces a first pulse starting when the received signal first reaches the threshold and finishing when the received signal falls below the threshold, and a second pulse when the element K L has passed line MV and the received signal again reaches the threshold, and finishing when the received signal falls below it. The two pulse signals are fed to a differentiator DF and pulse divider PD to produce a third pulse starting with the finish of the first pulse and finishing with the finish of the second pulse. The start of the third pulse causes the generation of a sweep signal in flip/flop MF, which is fed to modulator MA via adder MC such that the zero plane of the field produced by antennµ A1 and A2 sweeps across the object, rapidly scanning the elements K1 . . . K n to produce corresponding frequency signals at the output of amplifier V. The start of the third pulse also opens gate MP to let the output of amplifier V through to filters FF. The sweep signal may be such that the elements are scanned several times. In a third embodiment, Fig. 7, not shown, being a variation on the embodiment of Fig. 6, the elements K1 ... K n and K L are arranged in a vertical column; all the antennµ are arranged horizontally parallel to the path of the object and antennµ A1 and A2 are spaced vertically so that they can scan the elements. Antennµ B 1 and B2 are dispensed with and receiving antenna BR becomes two horizontal spaced antennµ giving a signal indicating when the object is opposite the sensing device and starting the vertical scanning of the information elements. The information elements may be made inoperative by the radiated field by detuning or by means of a threshold device comprising an electronic switch such as a transistor or diode.
机译:1,023,754。跟踪装置。飞利浦电子及相关行业1964年4月8日[1963年4月11日],编号14487/64。标题B7N。 [也在H4分部中]在用于识别相对于感测装置可移动的物体的系统中,每个物体(例如轨道车)都带有至少一个信息元素,该信息元素会将指示特定物体和物体的信号传输到感测装置。传感装置包括一个辐射器,该辐射器在特定平面上产生强度为零的辐射场,每个信息单元包括用于接收该辐射场并在接收到辐射场时强烈衰减指示信号传输的装置。在最简单描述的实施例中,图1中,感测设备TC包括放大器V,该放大器V的两个输入由两个垂直磁偶极天线R1和R2相对馈送,其输出馈送到位于天线R1和R2之间的类似天线T 。因此,放大器的输入和输出之间通常没有耦合,并且放大器是稳定的。每个物体TR携带多个信息元素K1-Kn,该信息元素包括调谐到特定频率的调谐电路,使得当特定元素接近天线R1,T和R2时,该元素与天线R1和R2的距离之差。产生来自放大器的输出,该输出被反馈到天线T,以使放大器的输出以该元件的频率振荡,该频率可以通过一组调谐滤波器FF来识别。传感装置还包括两个垂直的磁偶极子A1和A2,它们由发生器GA馈入,具有相等的频率和幅度但具有相反的相位的信号,从而使所产生的辐射场具有一个与MV的行进方向成直角的零强度MV平面。信息元素的对象和平面。每个信息单元包括装置,通过该装置,来自偶极子A1和A2的信号的接收导致相关调谐电路的严重衰减。一种信息元件在图3中示出(未示出),并且包括被调谐到指示频率的第一调谐电路L1 / C1和被调谐到来自偶极子A1和A2的信号的频率的第二调谐电路L2 / C2。 。这两个调谐电路通过二极管G1耦合,从而通过接收来自偶极子A1和A2的信号使第二调谐电路通电,从而使二极管导通,并在第一调谐电路上施加非常低的阻尼电阻。第二类型的信息元件在图4中示出(未示出),并且包括如前所述的第一调谐电路L3 / C3,其直接与第二调谐电路L4 / C4连接,并且二极管将二极管的一个或两个电感器分流。调谐电路。因此,系统的操作使得当特定信息元素基本上在平面MV上时,放大器的输出仅以指示频率振荡。在第二实施例中,图6(未示出),当物体在传感装置前面移动时,使平面MV跟随物体,并快速连续地扫描信息元素。除了天线R1,T,R2,A1和A2之外,还提供了另外两个偶极子B1和B2,它们可能与A1和A2重合,从发电机GB反相馈入,还提供了一个水平接收偶极子BR。在对象上提供一个简单的调谐电路K L,调谐到发生器GB的频率。由偶极子B1和B2产生的场的零强度平面的位置通过调制器MB改变,该调制器MB改变馈送到两个偶极子的信号的相对幅度。由调谐电路K2接收并由天线BR接收并反射的信号的相位和幅度取决于电路K L相对于零强度平面的位置。所接收的信号在相敏检测器FG中与发生器GB的输出进行比较,以产生一个信号,该信号被馈送到控制调制器MB,以便零强度平面搜寻并跟随元素K2。检测器FG的输出也被馈送到调制器MA,该调制器MA确定馈送到天线A1和A2的反相信号的振幅之比,使得由这些天线产生的辐射场的零平面跟随信息元素K1。当物体接近线MV时,天线BR接收到的信号首先由于感应场的平方反比增大而减小,然后减小,然后由于元素K2相对于传感器的角度减小而减小到零。天线BR线。随着元件K L越过线MV并远离其移动,信号增大至最大值,然后开始减小。放大器VB如此变化的输出在DG处检测到,并馈送到脉冲整形器PS,脉冲整形器PS在达到某个阈值时改变其状态,因此产生一个第一脉冲,该脉冲在接收信号首先达到阈值时开始,并在接收信号降至阈值以下时结束,并在元素KL已通过线MV并且接收信号再次达到阈值时结束,从而产生第二脉冲。当接收到的信号低于它时。这两个脉冲信号被馈送到微分器DF和脉冲分频器PD,以产生从第一脉冲的结束开始并以第二脉冲的结束结束的第三脉冲。第三个脉冲的开始导致在触发器MF中产生扫描信号,该信号通过加法器MC馈入调制器MA,从而天线A1和A2产生的磁场的零平面扫过目标,快速扫描目标。元素K1。 。 。 K n在放大器V的输出端产生相应的频率信号。第三个脉冲的开始还打开门MP,以使放大器V的输出通过滤波器FF。扫描信号可以使得元件被扫描几次。在第三实施例中,图7(未示出)是图6实施例的变型,元件K1 ... Kn和KL排列在垂直列中。所有天线都平行于物体的路径水平放置,天线A1和A2垂直隔开,以便它们可以扫描元素。取消天线B 1和B2,接收天线BR变成两个水平间隔的天线,并给出一个信号,指示对象何时与传感设备相对,并开始垂直扫描信息元素。可以通过失谐或借助包括电子开关(例如晶体管或二极管)的阈值设备使辐射场使信息元素不起作用。


  • 公开/公告号DE1455394B2


  • 公开/公告日1972-11-30


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  • 分类号B61L25/02;

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  • 入库时间 2022-08-23 07:16:30


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