首页> 中文期刊>化妆品、皮肤病及应用期刊(英文) >Evaluation of a Preventive Effect of a Lotion on the Formation of Stretch Marks. Quantification of Contractile Forces Developed by Fibroblasts from Early Stretch Marks (Red Color) and from Healthy Surrounding Skin Using GlasBoxsupPlus/supDevice

Evaluation of a Preventive Effect of a Lotion on the Formation of Stretch Marks. Quantification of Contractile Forces Developed by Fibroblasts from Early Stretch Marks (Red Color) and from Healthy Surrounding Skin Using GlasBoxsupPlus/supDevice



Stretch marks are cutaneous lesions occurring frequently in weight gain during puberty and early adult life. Previous studies showed that highest contractile forces were developed by fibroblasts from early stretch marks (SMF) compared to those developed by fibroblasts from normal healthy skin (HF) of the same patient. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a possible preventive effect of a topical preparation (containing vitamins C and E and botanical extracts including natural extract of Calendula, Aloe Vera and Evening Primrose Oil) on the formation of stretch marks using GlasboxPlus? device. In the presence of the tested mixture, a significant overall decrease in contractile forces of SMF was noted for 24 hours of measurements compared to control SMF and made it possible to restore their capacity to the same level as HF indicating a possible preventive effect of the tested mixture. The synergistic effects of these components are certainly responsible for the decrease in contractile forces of early stretch marks fibroblasts.




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