首页> 外国专利> Procedure for obtaining extracts Dried Vegetables for Direct Compression Loaded through the plant material on an Inert component

Procedure for obtaining extracts Dried Vegetables for Direct Compression Loaded through the plant material on an Inert component



This describes a procedure for obtaining extracts Dried Vegetables with Properties suitable for Direct Compression through the plant material Loaded on an Inert Carrier.As an excipient used Colloidal SILICON DIOXIDE, which is a component comodeslizante formulas commonly incorporated in tabletsWhich has a great capacity of Loaded Plant material and this is the important characteristic for dichoproposito.The steps of the process totalcompr enden: 1) determination of the solid waste Plant by total evaporation of the Solvent from the extract Fluid.This allows the loaded on the Inert component in such a way as to obtain various Relations - excipient Plant material, according to the amount of extract Fluid is used.2) later comes despite a Predetermined amount of Colloidal SILICON DIOXIDE which is dispersed in a measured volume of Liquid Extract.(3) OJ esgradualmente Solvent Evaporated at room temperature with Constant agitation.4) when the adquierecaracteru00edsticas semisolid mixture Solvent is removed, the remaining 40 * to obtain a product of Constant weight. 5) The Powder obtained is subjected amolienda ytamizado.
机译:该方法描述了一种提取物的方法,该提取物具有适于通过装载在惰性载体上的植物材料直接压缩的特性的干蔬菜。作为胶粘剂使用的胶体二氧化硅是通常掺入片剂的组分comodeslizante配方,具有很大的装载植物的能力物料,这是双氯苯酚的重要特性。该过程的总步骤包括:1)通过从萃取液中完全蒸发溶剂来确定固体废物工厂,从而可以如下方式装载在惰性组分上:为了获得各种关系-辅料植物材料,根据提取液的使用量而定.2)尽管有预定量的胶体硅二氧化物分散在一定量的液体提取物中,但后来还是出现了。(3)OJ sgradualmente溶剂在恒定搅拌下保持室温。4)当拟定的半固态混合物溶解时除去nt,剩余的40 *得到恒定重量的产物。 5)对获得的粉末进行阿莫利达(Amolienda ytamizado)。



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