首页> 外国专利> Methods for screening a indivu00ecduo as a disease of storage of glycogen, to clear up a indivu00ecduo for Pompe disease.To monitor the condition of a clinically indivu00ecduo with Pompe disease.To estimate the efficacy of a therapeutic regimen in a indivu00ecduo with Pompe disease and to determine the concentration of a oligossacaru00ecdeo in a biological sample

Methods for screening a indivu00ecduo as a disease of storage of glycogen, to clear up a indivu00ecduo for Pompe disease.To monitor the condition of a clinically indivu00ecduo with Pompe disease.To estimate the efficacy of a therapeutic regimen in a indivu00ecduo with Pompe disease and to determine the concentration of a oligossacaru00ecdeo in a biological sample



Methods for screening a indivu00ecduo as a disease of storage of glycogen, to clear up a indivu00ecduo for Pompe disease.To monitor the condition of a clinically indivu00ecduo with Pompe disease.To estimate the efficacy of a therapeutic regimen in a indivu00ecduo with Pompe disease and to determine the concentration of a oligossacaru00ecdeo in a biological sample.Methods are provided for screening individuals of lysosomal storage diseases, preferably glycogen storage diseases, with a tetrassacaru00eddeo as a biomarker.In a preferred version, the individuals are sorted as to Pompe disease (that is, glycogen storage disease type II). They are also provided with newborn screening tests.The present invention provides methods for monitoring the clinical condition and efficacy of therapeutic treatment in affected individuals.Also provided are methods of measuring a biomarker of tetrassacaru00eddeo by mass spectrometry sequ00b3encial, preferably as part of a test for newborn screening for Pompe disease.
机译:筛选个体为糖原贮积病的方法,以清除个体为庞贝氏病的方法。监测临床上个体为庞贝氏病的情况。将个体患有庞贝病并测定生物学样品中寡糖的浓度。 ,将个体分类为庞贝病(即II型糖原贮积病)。它们还提供了新生儿筛查试验。本发明提供了用于监测受影响个体的临床状况和治疗效果的方法。还提供了通过质谱法连续,优选作为一部分来测量四沙四烯生物标志物的方法。新生儿筛查庞贝病的测试。



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