首页> 外国专利> METHOD AND SYSTEM TO INCREASE PERMITS video sequence based on wavelet transforms

METHOD AND SYSTEM TO INCREASE PERMITS video sequence based on wavelet transforms



1.method u0443u0432u0435u043bu0438u0447u0435u043du0438u00a0 u0440u0430u0437u0440u0435u0448u0435u043du0438u00a0 sequences were based on wavelet analysis in which each frame sequences were u043fu0440u0435u0434u0441u0442u0430u0432u043bu00a0u044eu0442 like a wave years - the coefficients obtained from the block u0434u0435u043au043eu0434u0438u0440u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u00a0 video, using the discrete wavelet transform, the selection of wavelet coefficients transforming method om u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du0435u043du0438u00a0 coefficientsand further, a set of wavelet coefficients are used as input data in the u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u0438 by inverse discrete wavelet u043fu0440u0435u043eu0431u0440u0430u0437u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u00a0 ( u043eu0434u0432u043f) which receive the amplified sequences were shot in u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u044e integrate with u0434u0435u043au043eu0434u0438u0440u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u0435u043c, u0438u0441u043fu043eu043bu044cu0437u0443u00a0 intermediate u043au043eu044d u0444u0444u0438u0446u0438u0435u043du0442u044b obtained during decoding.as input data u0434u043bu00a0 u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u0438; and in the elaboration of wavelet coefficients u0432u044bu043fu043eu043bu043du00a0u044eu0442 linear u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u044e using information on the direction of gras prostrate.;2. method for u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0 1, so that each frame is u043fu043eu0431u043bu043eu0447u043du043e.;3. method for u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0 1, so that as the input data using a u0430u043fu043fu0440u043eu043au0441u0438u043cu0438u0440u0443u044eu0449u0438u0445 and u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du00a0u044eu0449u0438u0445 wavelet coefficients obtained in the process of dec u043eu0434u0438u0440u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u00a0 frame u0432u0438u0434u0435u043eu043fu043eu0442u043eu043au0430.;4. method for u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0 3, so that the precision u0430u043fu043fu0440u043eu043au0441u0438u043cu0438u0440u0443u044eu0449u0438u0445 wavelet coefficients using u043du0438u0437u043au043eu0447u0430u0441u0442u043eu0442u043du0443u044e filtering and normalization of u00a0u0440u043au043eu0441u0442u0438 u0438u0437u043eu0431u0440u0430u0436u0435u043du0438 u00a0.;5. method for p.4, u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0, in clarifying u0430u043fu043fu0440u043eu043au0441u0438u043cu0438u0440u0443u044eu0449u0438u0445 u043fu0440u043eu0432u043eu0434u00a0u0442 filter coefficients u043du0435u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu0438u0440u043eu0432u0430u043du043du043eu0433u043e block frame received after the decoder u043du0438u0437u043au043eu0447u0430u0441 u0442u043eu0442u043du044bu043c filter first horizontally and then vertically; u0432u044bu0447u0438u0441u043bu00a0u0435u0442u0441u00a0 average u00a0u0440u043au043eu0441u0442u0438 u043du0435u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu0438u0440u043eu0432u0430u043du043du043eu0433u043e block frame, u043fu043eu043bu0443u0447u0430u00a0 100 set value of average u00a0u0440u043au043eu0441u0442u0438 block frameu0432u044bu0447u0438u0441u043bu00a0u044eu0442 average u00a0u0440u043au043eu0441u0442u0438 specified set of coefficients u043fu043eu043bu0443u0447u0430u00a0 new average u00a0u0440u043au043eu0441u0442u0438 block frame; u043du043eu0440u043cu0430u043bu0438u0437u043eu0432u0430u043du043du0443u044e u00a0u0440u043au043eu0441u0442u044c new u0430u043fu043fu0440u043eu043au0441 u0438u043cu0438u0440u0443u044eu0449u0435u0433u043e set of coefficients u0432u044bu0447u0438u0441u043bu00a0u044eu0442, u0443u043cu043du043eu0436u0430u00a0 current value u00a0u0440u043au043eu0441u0442u0438 to the attitude of the old to the new average value u00a0u0440u043au043eu0441u0442u0438.;6. method for u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0 3, so that the precision of wavelet coefficients, namely, horizontal, vertical and diagonal, using the linear u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u044e with the u043du0430u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 boundaries in this area u0438u0437u043eu0431u0440u0430u0436u0435u043du0438u00a0.;7. method for u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0 p.6, so that the precision of horizontal wavelet coefficients using information on the direction of the block of the image, u043fu043eu043bu0443u0447u0435u043du043du0443 yu by the method of evaluation u043du0430u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 boundaries, in which the direction of the border are of arbitrary many possible directions.;8. method for p.7, u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0, an updated set of horizontal wavelet coefficients are u0438u0441u043fu043eu043bu044cu0437u0443u00a0 the following rules, where the lh is the original set of horizontal co u0439u0432u043bu0435u0442 - ratios, a LH1 is an updated set of wavelet coefficients: the horizontal pixels of odd numbered rows and columns are the source of u0437u043du0430u0447u0435u043du0438u00a0 u0440u0438u0437u043eu043du0442u0430u043bu044cu043du044bu0445 wavelet coefficients in the formula LH1 (2 * (1.2 * (j - 1) - lh (i, j);;pixels of odd numbered rows and even numbered columns are important u0432u044bu0447u0438u0441u043bu0435u043du043du043eu0435 as u043fu043eu043bu0443u0441u0443u043cu043cu0430 two adjacent horizontal pixel according to LH1 (2 * (i - 1, 2 * (j) = (lh (i, j) + lh (i, j + 1)) / 2.;the pixels in the even numbered rows and odd numbered columns in the case of u043du0430u043bu0438u0447u0438u00a0 boundary in this area receive value in accordance with the following expression m LH1 (2 * * (2 * (j - 1) = (LH1 (2 * (2 * j - (b / 2 + 2) + (a) + LH1 (2 * i + 1.2 * j + (b / 2) (a)) / 2, where b is the the number of possible directions; and the number of a u043du0430u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 (provided that u043du0430u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 u043du0443u043cu0435u0440u0443u044eu0442u0441u00a0 with the left to rightu043du0430u0447u0438u043du0430u00a0 unit); if the boundary in this area, pixels with even numbered lines and odd numbered columns are important u0432u044bu0447u0438u0441u043bu0435u043du043du043eu0435 as u043fu043eu043bu0443u0441u0443u043c ma two neighbouring vertical pixels by LH1 (2 * * (2 * (j - 1) = (LH1 (2 * (i - 1, 2 * (j - 1) + LH1 (2 * i + 1.2 * (j - 1) / 2;;the pixels in the even numbered rows and columns are important u0432u044bu0447u0438u0441u043bu0435u043du043du043eu0435 as u043fu043eu043bu0443u0441u0443u043cu043cu0430 two adjacent horizontal pixel according to LH1 (2 * 2 * (i, j) = (LH1 (2 * * (2 * (j - 1) + LH1 (2 * * (2 * (j + 1)) / 2.;9. method for u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0 p.6, so that the precision of vertical wavelet coefficients using information on the direction of the block frame received by the method of evaluation u043du0430u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 boundaries, in which the direction of the border are of arbitrary many possible directions.;10. method of p.9, u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0, an updated set of vertical wavelet coefficients are u0438u0441u043fu043eu043bu044cu0437u0443u00a0 the following rules, where hl is the original set of vertical u0432u0435u0439u0432u043bu0435 t of a HL1 is an updated set of vertical wavelet coefficients: pixels of odd numbered rows and columns are u0437u043du0430u0447u0435u043du0438u00a0 source u0432u0435u0440u0442u0438u043au0430u043b u044cu043du044bu0445 wavelet coefficients in the formula HL1 (2 * (i - 1, 2 * (j - 1) = hl (i,(j); pixels with even and odd numbered rows and columns are important u0432u044bu0447u0438u0441u043bu0435u043du043du043eu0435 as u043fu043eu043bu0443u0441u0443u043cu043cu0430 two neighbouring vertical pixels by HL1 (2 * (i, 2 * (j - 1) = (hl (i, j) + hl (i + 1, j)) / 2; pixels to odd numbered lines and even numbered columns in the case of u043du0430u043bu0438u0447u0438u00a0 boundary in this area are important in accordance with with u043bu0435u0434u0443u044eu0449u0438u043c expression HL1 (2 * (i - 1, 2 * (j) = (HL1 (2 * i - (b / 2 + 2) + (a,2 * (j - 1) + HL1 (2 * i + (b / 2) - (2 * (j + 1)) / 2, where b is the number of possible directions; and the number of a u043du0430u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 (provided that u043du0430u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 u043du0443u043cu0435u0440u0443u044eu0442u0441u00a0 from top to bottom, u043du0430u0447u0438u043du0430u00a0 with units); if the boundary in this area, pixels with even numbered lines and odd numbered columns are important u0432u044bu0447u0438u0441u043bu0435u043du043du043eu0435 as u043fu043eu043bu0443u0441u0443u043cu043cu0430 two with u0441u0435u0434u043du0438u0445 horizontal pixels by HL1 (2 * i - 1.2 * (j) = (HL1 (2 * (1.2 * (j - 1) + (2 * HL1 (1.2 * (j + 1)) / 2.;the pixels in the even numbered rows and columns are important u0432u044bu0447u0438u0441u043bu0435u043du043du043eu0435 as u043fu043eu043bu0443u0441u0443u043cu043cu0443 two neighbouring vertical pixels by HL1 (2 * 2 * (i, j) = (HL1 (2 * (i - 1, 2 * (j) + HL1 (2 * i + 1, 2 * (j) ) / 2.;11. method for u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0 p.6, so that refining the diagonal wavelet coefficients using u0438u043du0444u043eu0440u043cu0430u0446u0438u00a0 on boundaries in this block of the frame received by the method of evaluation u043du0430u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 boundaries, in which the direction of the border are of arbitrary many possible directions.;12. method u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0 p.11, so that an updated set of diagonal wavelet coefficients are u0438u0441u043fu043eu043bu044cu0437u0443u00a0 the following rules, where the communication is the original set diagonal of the wavelet coefficients, and u043du043d1 is an updated set of diagonal wavelet coefficients.;pixels of odd numbered rows and columns are u0437u043du0430u0447u0435u043du0438u00a0 baseline diagonal wavelet coefficients in the formula HH1 (2 * (1.2 * (j - 1) = hh (i, j);;pixels of odd numbered rows and even numbered columns are important u0432u044bu0447u0438u0441u043bu0435u043du043du043eu0435 as u043fu043eu043bu0443u0441u0443u043cu043cu0430 two neighbouring vertical pixels by HH1 (2 * i - 1. 2 * (j) = (hh (i, j) + hh (i, j + 1)) / 2.;the pixels in the even numbered rows and odd numbered columns are important u0432u044bu0447u0438u0441u043bu0435u043du043du043eu0435 as u043fu043eu043bu0443u0441u0443u043cu043cu0430 two adjacent horizontal pixel according to HH1 (2 * (i, 2 * (j - 1) = (hh (i, j) + hh (i + 1j)) / 2.;the pixels in the even numbered rows and columns in the case of u043du0430u043bu0438u0447u0438u00a0 boundary in this area receive value in accordance with the following rules: HH1 (2 * 2 * (i, j) = (HH1 (2 * (i - 1, 2 * (j - 1) + HH1 (2 * i + 1.2 * (j + 1)) / 2, if the direction of the boundary corresponds to the main diagonal; HH1 (2 * 2 * (i, j) = (HH1 (2 * (i - 1, 2 * (j) + HH1 (2 * i + 1.2 * (j)) / 2, if the direction of the boundary corresponds to the vertical; HH1 (2 * 2 * (i, j) = (HH1 (2 * i + 1. 2 * (j - 1) + HH1 (2 * i - 1.2 * (j + 1)) / 2, if the direction of the diagonal line corresponds to a branch; HH1 (2 * 2 * (i, j) = (HH1 (2 * * (2 * (j - 1) + HH1 (2 * * (2 * (j + 1)) / 2, if the direction is horizontal.;13. method for u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0438u0439u0441u00a0 1, so that a frame sequences were produced by u043fu0440u0438u043cu0435u043du0435u043du0438u00a0 inverse discrete wavelet u043fu0440u0435u043eu0431u0440u0430u0437u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u00a0 task texts the developed u0430u043fu043fu0440u043eu043au0441u0438u043cu0438u0440u0443u044eu0449u0438u043c and u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du00a0u044eu0449u0438u043c coefficients.;14.the system u0443u0432u0435u043bu0438u0447u0435u043du0438u00a0 u0440u0430u0437u0440u0435u0448u0435u043du0438u00a0 sequences were based on wavelet analysis, u0441u043eu0434u0435u0440u0436u0430u0449u0430u00a0 block 1 decoder, at the entrance of which is u0432u0445u043eu0434u00a0u0449u0438u0439 signal, block 2 u0443u0442u043eu0447u043d u0435u043du0438u00a0 coefficients, block 3, block 4, the normalization and inverse discrete wavelet u043fu0440u0435u043eu0431u0440u0430u0437u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u00a0 (u043eu0434u0432u043f), with the first output unit 1 is connected to the entrance and the entrance b block 2 lock 3.entry and exit block 3 unit 2 connected to the first and second inputs unit 4 respectively.;15. the system p.u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0430u00a0u0441u00a0 14, so that the block 1 decoder contains u0434u0435u043cu0443u043bu044cu0442u0438u043fu043bu0435u043au0441u043eu0440 multilevel block u043eu0434u0432u043f, which includes u0441u0435u0431u00a0 several united consistently u0431u043bu043eu043au043e in u043eu0434u0432u043f task texts, each of which has the opportunity u043eu0441u0443u0449u0435u0441u0442u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 one step u043eu0434u0432u043f and exit is connected to the entrance of the first block u043fu043eu0448u0430u0433u043eu0432 u0434u0435u043cu0443u043bu044cu0442u0438u043fu043bu043au0441u043eu0440u0430 wow u043eu0434u0432u043f,the first output unit and the output of the third step u043eu0434u0432u043f last block, step-by-step u043eu0434u0432u043f u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043du044b with entrance unit 3 and the second exit u043fu0440u0435u0434u043fu043eu0441u043b normalization u0435u0434u043du0435u0433u043e block step u043eu0434u0432u043f u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043d entrance unit 2 with u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du0435u043du0438u00a0 coefficients.;16. the system p.14, u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0430u00a0u0441u00a0, block 2 u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du0435u043du0438u00a0 coefficients contains the u043eu043fu0440u0435u0434u0435u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 u043du0430u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 borders, block u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du0435u043du0438u00a0 horizontal u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du00a0u044eu0449u0438u0445 coefficients, blo to u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du0435u043du0438u00a0 vertical u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du00a0u044eu0449u0438u0445 coefficients and block diagonal u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du0435u043du0438u00a0 u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du00a0u044eu0449u0438u0445 coefficients in each of the blocks u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du0435u043du0438u00a0 horizontalthe vertical and diagonal u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du00a0u044eu0449u0438u0445 coefficients between a block contains the u0432u044bu043fu043eu043bu043du0435u043du0438u00a0 first step linear u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u0438, the entrance of which u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043d with the release of the third step and the second step u043eu0434u0432u043f, u0432u044bu043fu043eu043bu043du0435u043du0438u00a0 linear u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u0438 and block diagonal u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du0435u043du0438u00a0 u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du00a0u044eu0449u0438u0445 coefficient s further contains a block u0432u044bu043fu043eu043bu043du0435u043du0438u00a0 third step linear u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u0438,in the second step, which u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043d u0432u044bu043fu043eu043bu043du0435u043du0438u00a0 linear u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u0438, with entrances block u043eu043fu0440u0435u0434u0435u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 u043du0430u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 borders and blocks the first step u0432u044bu043fu043eu043bu043du0435u043du0438u00a0 lina u0439u043du043eu0439 u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u0438 u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043du044b second exit block u043eu0434u0432u043f penultimate step.and the outlet block u043eu043fu0440u0435u0434u0435u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 u043du0430u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 borders u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043d with entrances blocks u0432u044bu043fu043eu043bu043du0435u043du0438u00a0 second step and the third step of linear u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u0438 u0432u044bu043fu043eu043bu043du0435u043du0438u00a0 linear vin u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u0438 blocks u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du0435u043du0438u00a0 horizontal, vertical and diagonal u0443u0442u043eu0447u043du00a0u044eu0449u0438u0445 coefficients respectively.the building blocks u0432u044bu043fu043eu043bu043du0435u043du0438u00a0 second step and the third step of u0432u044bu043fu043eu043bu043du0435u043du0438u00a0 linear u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u043fu043eu043bu00a0u0446u0438u0438 u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043du044b with outcome u043eu0434u0432u043f entrance block.;17. the system p.u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0430u00a0u0441u00a0 14, so that the block 3 has the possibility of the normalization normalization coefficients u0434u043bu00a0 outcome u043eu0434u0432u043f in two stages and provides a block filtering quite u043du043du044bu0439 with opportunity u043eu0441u0443u0449u0435u0441u0442u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 first phase normalization, namely u0438u0437u043eu0431u0440u0430u0436u0435u043du0438u00a0 low-pass filtering, as well as the u043eu043fu0440u0435u0434u0435u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 secondary u00a0u0440u043au043eu0441u0442u0438,a possibility of u043eu043fu0440u0435u0434u0435u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 reference medium u00a0u0440u043au043eu0441u0442u0438 low-frequency components and transfer it to the normalization of low-frequency components, implementation u043du043du044bu0439 with opportunity u043eu0441u0443u0449u0435u0441u0442u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 first phase normalization, namely, the normalization of a larger set of frequencies.the building block filtering and block u043eu043fu0440u0435u0434u0435u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 u00a0u0440u043au043eu0441u0442u0438 u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043du044b with exits the last and penultimate step u043eu0434u0432u043f blocks, and u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043du044b respectively. the first and second inputs of the normalization of low-frequency components, the output of which u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043d with entrance block 4 outcome u043eu0434u0432u043f.
机译:1.方法 u0443 u0432 u0435 u043b u0438 u0447 u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0 u0440 u0430 u0437 u0440 u0435 u0448 u0435 u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0序列基于小波分析每个帧序列都是 u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u0441 u0442 u0430 u0432 u043b u00a0 u044e u0442就像波浪年一样-从块 u0434 u0435 u0435 u043a u043e u0434获得的系数 u0438 u0440 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u0438 u00a0视频,使用离散小波变换,选择小波系数变换方法om u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0系数,此外,一组小波系数用作 u0438 u043d u0442 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u0438中的输入数据,通过逆离散小波 u043f u0440 u0435 u043e u0431 u0440 u0430 u0437 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u0438 u00a0( u043e u0434 u0432 u043f)在 u0438 u043d u0432 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u0 44e与 u0434 u0435 u043a u043e u0434 u0438 u0440 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u0438 u0435 u043c, u0438 u0441 u043f u043f u043e u043b u044c u0437 u0443 u0040在解码期间获得的中间 u043a u043e u044d u0444 u0444 u0438 u0446 u0438 u0435 u043d u0442 u044b作为输入数据 u0434 u043b u00a0 u0438 u043d u043d u0442 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u0438;并在小波系数的详细说明中 u0432 u044b u043f u043e u043b u043d u00a0 u044e u0442线性 u0438 u043d u0442 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u044u使用有关鹅肝方向的信息; 2。 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0 1的方法,因此每个帧都是 u043f u043e u0431 u043b u043e u0447 u043d u043e。 ; 3。 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0 1的方法,因此使用 u0430 u043f u043f u0440 u0440 u043e u043a u0441作为输入数据 u0438 u043c u0438 u0440 u0443 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445和 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u00a0 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445在dec u043e 过程中获得的小波系数u0434 u0438 u0440 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u0438 u00a0框架 u0432 u0438 u0434 u0435 u043e u043f u043e u0442 u043e u043a u043a u0430。; 4。 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0 3的方法,这样精度 u0430 u043f u043f u0440 u043e u043e u043a u0441 u0438 u043c u0438 u0440 u0443 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445小波系数使用 u043d u0438 u0437 u043a u043e u0447 u0430 u0441 u0442 u043e u0442 u0432 u043d u0443 u044e滤波和归一化u00a0 u0440 u043a u043e u0441 u0442 u0438 u0438 u0437 u043e u0431 u0440 u0430 u0436 u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0。; 5。第4页的方法, u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0,以澄清 u0430 u043f u043f u0440 u043e u043a u0441 u0438 u043c u0438 u0440 u0443 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445 u043f u0440 u043e u0432 u043e u0434 u00a0 u0442滤波器系数 u043d u0435 u0438 u043d u0442 u0435 u0440 u043e u043b u0438 u0440 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u043d u043e u0433 u043e在解码器 u043d u0438 u0437 u043a u043e u0447 u0430 u0441 u0442 u043e 之后收到的块帧首先水平然后垂直过滤器; u0432 u044b u0447 u0438 u0441 u043b u00a0 u0435 u0442 u044a u043e u00a0平均 u00a0 u0440 u043a u043e u0441 u0442 u0438 u043d u043d u0435 u0438 u043d u0442 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u0438 u0440 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u043d u043e u0433 u043e块框, u043f u043e u043b u0443 u0447 u0447 u0430 u00a0 100平均设置值 u00a0 u0440 u043a u043e u0441 u0442 u0438块框架 u0432 u044b u0447 u0438 u0441 u043b u00a0 u044e u0442平均 u00a0 u0440 u043a u043e u0441已设置u042 u0442系数 u043f u043e u043b u0443 u0447 u0430 u00a0新平均值 u00a0 u0440 u043a u043e u0441 u0442 u0438块帧; u043d u043e u0440 u043c u0430 u043b u0438 u0437 u043e u0432 u043e u00a0 u0440 u043a u043a u043e u043e u0441 u0442 u044c新的 u0430 u043c u043f u0440 u043e u043a u0441 u0438 u043c u0438 u0440 u0443 u044e u0449 u0435 u0433 u043e一组系数 u0432 u044b u0447 u0438 u0441 u043b u00a0 u044e , u0443 u043c u043d u043e u0436 u0430 u00a0当前值 u00a0 u0440 u043a u043e u0441 u0442 u0438对旧版本对新平均值 u00a0 u0440 u043a u043e的态度 u0441 u0442 u0438。; 6。 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0 3的方法,以便使用线性 u0438 来获得小波系数的精度,即水平,垂直和对角线u043d u0442 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u00a0 u0430 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u043b u0435 u043d u043d u0438 u00a0这个区域的边界u0438 u0437 u043e u0431 u0440 u0430 u0436 u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0。; 7。 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0第6页的方法,这样,水平小波系数的精度就可以使用 u043d u0430 u的评估方法,使用图像的块方向信息 u043f u043e u043b u0443 u0447 u0435 u043d u043d u0443 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0边界,其中边界的方向可以是许多可能的方向。第7页的方法, u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0,更新后的水平小波系数集为 u0438 u0441 u0431 u043f u043e u043b u044c u0437 u0443 u00a0遵循以下规则,其中lh是水平co的原始集合 r0439 u0432 u043b u0435 u0442-比率,LH1是小波系数的更新集合:水平像素为奇数行和列是 u0437 u043d u0430 u0447 u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0 u0440 u0438 u0437 u043e u043e u043d u0442 u0430 u043b u044c u043c u043d u044b u0445的来源公式LH1(2 *(1.2 *(j-1)-lh(i,j););奇数行和偶数列的像素很重要 u0432 u044b u0447 u0438 u0441 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u043e u0435为 u043f u043e u043b u0443 u0441 u0443 u043c u043c u04c u0430根据LH1(2 *(i-1,2 *(j)=(lh(i ,j)+ lh(i,j + 1)) / 2 .;在o情况下,偶数行和奇数列的像素f u043d u0430 u043b u0438 u0447 u0438 u00a0边界根据以下表达式接收值m LH1(2 * *(2 *(j-1)=(LH1(2 *(2 * j-(b / 2 + 2)+(a)+ LH1(2 * i + 1.2 * j +(b / 2)(a)) / 2,其中b是可能方向的数量;和 u043d u0430 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0的编号(前提是 u043d u0430 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0 u043d u0443 u043c u0435 u0440 u0443 u044e u0442 u0441 u00a0,从左到右 u043d u0430 u0447 u0438 u043d u0430 u00a0单元);如果此区域的边界很重要,则偶数行和奇数列的像素很重要 u0432 u044b u0447 u0438 u0441 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u043e u0435如 u043f u043e u043b u0443 u0441 u0443 u043c由LH1(2 * *(2 *(j-1)= = LH1(2 *(i-1,2 *(j-1))+ LH1(2 * i + 1.2 *(j-1) / 2 ;;偶数行和列中的像素很重要 u0432 u044b u0447 u0438 u0441 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u043d u043e u0435为 u043f u043e u043b u0443 u0441 u0443 u043c u043c u0430根据LH1(2 * 2 *(i,j)=(LH1(2 * *(2 *(j-1))+ LH1(2 * *(2 *(j + 1)) / 2.; 9。 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0第6页的方法,因此使用评估方法 u043d u0430 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0边界接收到的块帧方向信息获取垂直小波系数的精度边界有很多可能的方向; 10。第9页的方法 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0,更新后的垂直小波系数集为 u0438 u0441 u0431 u043f u043e u043b u044c u0437 u0443 u00a0遵循以下规则,其中hl是HL1的垂直 u0432 u0435 u0439 u0432 u043b u0435的原始集合,是垂直小波系数的更新集合:奇数行的像素和列为 u0437 u043d u0430 u0447 u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0源 u0432 u0435 u0440 u0442 u0438 u043a u0430 u043b u044c u043d u044b u0445在公式HL1中的小波系数( 2 *(i-1,2 *(j-1)= hl(i,(j);具有偶数和奇数编号的行和列的像素很重要 u0432 u044b u0447 u0438 u0441 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u043e u0435如 u043f u043e u043b u0443 u0441 u0443 u043c u043c u043c u0430相邻两个垂直像素乘以HL1(2 *(i,2 *(j-1)=(hl(i, j)+ hl(i + 1,j)) / 2;在 u043d u0430 u043b u0438 u0447 u0的情况下,像素为奇数行和偶数列根据 u043b u0435 u0434 u0443 u044e u0449 u0438 u043c表达式HL1(2 *(i-1,2 *(j)=(HL1(2 * i-(b / 2 + 2)+(a,2 *(j-1)+ HL1(2 * i +(b / 2)-(2 *(j + 1)) / 2,其中b是可能的方向数;和 u043d u0430 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0的编号(前提是 u043d u0430 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0 u043d u0443 u043c u0435 u0440 u0443 u044e u0442 u0441 u00a0从上到下, u043d u0430 u0447 u0438 u043d u0430 u00a0(带单位);如果这个区域的边界,具有偶数行和奇数列的像素很重要 u0432 u044b u0447 u0438 u0441 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u043e u0435如 u043f u043e u043b u0443 u0441 u0443 u043c u043c u0430两个带有 u0441 u0435 u0434 u043d u0438 u0445水平像素乘以HL1(2 * i-1.2 *(j)=(HL1(2 *(1.2 *(j-1))+(2 * HL1 (1.2 *(j + 1)) / 2 .;偶数行和列中的像素很重要 u0432 u044b u0447 u0438 u0441 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u043d u043e u0435为 u043f u043e u043b u0443 u0441 u0443 u043c u043c u0443通过HL1(2 * 2 *(i,j)=(HL1(2 *(i-1,2 *(j))+ HL1)的两个相邻垂直像素(2 * i + 1,2 *(j)) / 2.; 11。 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0第6页的方法,以便在评估方法 u043d u0430 u043d u043d u0444 u043e u0440 u043c u0430 u0446 u0438 u00a0精炼对角线小波系数 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0 438 u00a0边界,其中边界的方向具有许多可能的方向。方法 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0 p.11,因此对角线小波系数的更新集为 u0438 u0441 u043f u043e u043b u044c u0437 u0443 u00a0遵循以下规则,其中通信是小波系数的原始设置对角线, u043d u043d1是对角线小波系数的更新集。奇数行和列的像素是 u0437 公式HH1中的基线对角线小波系数(2 *(1.2 *(j-1)= hh(i,j);;奇数行和偶数列的像素)对 u0432 u044b u0447 u0438 u0441 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u043d u043b u0443 u0441 u043f u043e u043b u044b u0443 u0441 u0443 u0433 u043c u043c u0430是非常重要的2 * i-1。2 *(j)=(hh(i,j)+ hh(i,j + 1)) / 2 .;偶数行和奇数列中的像素很重要 u0432 u044b u0447 u0438 u0441 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u043e u0435为 u043f u043e u043b u0443 u0441 u0443 u043c u043c u0430根据HH1(2 *(i,2 *(j-1)=(hh(i,j)+ hh(i + 1j)) ) / 2 .;在此区域中,在 u043d u0430 u043b u0438 u0447 u0438 u00a0边界的情况下,偶数行和列中的像素将根据以下规则获得值:HH1(2 * 2 *(i,j)=(HH1(2 *(i-1,2 *(j-1)+ HH1(2 * i + 1.2 *(j + 1))) / 2,如果边界方向对应于主对角线; HH1(2 * 2 *(i,j)=(HH1(2 *(i-1,2 *(j)+ HH1(2 * i + 1.2 *(j))) / 2,如果边界方向对应于垂直; HH1(2 * 2 *(i,j)=(HH1(2 * i + 1。2 *(j-1)+ HH1(2 * i-1.2 *(j + 1))) / 2,如果对角线的方向对应于一个分支; HH1(2 * 2 *(i,j)=(HH1(2 * *(2 *(j-1))+ HH1(2 * *(2 *( j + 1)) / 2,如果方向是水平的;; 13.用于 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0439 u0441 u00a0 1的方法,序列由 u043f u0440 u0438 u043c u0435 u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0产生逆离散小波 u043f u0440 u0435 u043e u0431 u0440 u0430 u0437 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u0438 u00a0任务文本将已开发的 u0430 u043f u043f u0440 u043e u043a u0441 u0438 u043c u0438 u0440 u0443 u044e u0449 u0438 u043c和 u0443 u0442 u043e u043d u00a0 u044e u0449 u0438 u043c系数; 14。系统 u0443 u0432 u0435 u043b u0438 u0447 u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0 u0440 u0430 u0 437 u0440 u0435 u0448 u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0序列基于小波分析, u0441 u043e u0434 u0435 u0440 u0436 u0430 u0449 u0430 u00a0块1解码器位于入口这是 u0432 u0445 u043e u0434 u00a0 u0449 u0438 u0439信号,块2 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0系数,块3,块4,归一化和离散离散小波 u043f u0440 u0435 u043e u0431 u0440 u0430 u0437 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u0438 u00a0( u043e u0434 u0434 u0432 u043f) 15.入口和出口块3单元2分别连接到第一和第二输入单元4。系统p。 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0430 u00a0 u0441 u00a0 14,因此块1解码器包含 u0434 u0435 u043c u0443 u043b u044c u0442 u0438 u043f u043b u0435 u043a u0441 u043e u0440多级块 u043e u0434 u0432 u043f,其中包括 u0441 u0435 u0431 u00a0几个统一一致的 u0431 u043b u043e u043a u043e u0434 u0432 u043f任务文本中的u043e,每个都有机会 u043e u0441 u0443 u0449 u0435 u0441 u0442 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0一步 u043e u0434 u0432 u043f且出口连接到入口第一个块 u043f u043e u0448 u0430 u0433 u043e u0432 u0434 u0435 u043c u0443 u043b u044c u0442 u0438 u043f u043b u043b u043a u0441 u043e u0440 u0430 w04w u043e u0434 u0432 u043f,第一个输出单元和第三步的输出 u043e u0434 u0432 u043f最后一个块,分步 u043e u0434 u0432 u043f u0441 u0432 u00a0 具有入口单元3和第二个出口的u0437 u0430 u043d u044b u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u043f u043e u0441 u043b规范化 u0435 u0434 u043d u0435 u0433 u043e阻止步骤 u043e u0434 u0432 u043f u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u043d入口单元2具有 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0系数。16。系统p.14, u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0430 u00a0 u0441 u00a0,块2 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0系数包含 u043e u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u0435 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0 u043d u0430 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u043b u043d u0438 u00块 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0水平 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u00a0 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445系数,blo到 u0443 u0442 043 u0447 u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0垂直 u0443 u0442 u043e u0449 u0438 u043d u00a0 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445系数和块对角线 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u00a0 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445每个块中的系数 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a垂直和对角线 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u00a0 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445块之间的系数包含 u0432 u044b u043f u0 43e u043b u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0第一步线性 u0438 u043d u0442 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u0438,其中的入口 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u043d,并释放第三步和第二步 u043e u0434 u0432 u043f, u0432 u044b u043f u043e u043b u043d u0435 u043d u043d u0438 u00a0线性 u0438 u043d u0442 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u0438并阻止对角线 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u0435 u043d u043d u0438 u00a0 u0443 u0432 u0432 u0432 u0447 u043d u00a0 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445系数s进一步包含一个块 u0432 u044b u043f u043e u043b u043d u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0第三步线性 u0438 u043d u0442 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u0438,在第二步中,即 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u043d u0432 u044b u043b u043f u043e u043b u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0线性 u0438 u043d u0442 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u0438,带有入口块 u043e u043f u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u043 5 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0 u043d u0430 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0边界并阻止第一步 u0432 u044b u043f u043e u043b u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0丽娜 u0439 u043d u043e u0439 u0438 u043d u0442 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u0438 u0441 u0432 u0438 u0430 u043d u044b第二出口块 u043e u0434 u0432 u043f倒数第二个台阶和出口块 u043e u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u0434 u0435 u043b u0435 u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0 u043d u0430 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0边界 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u043d具有入口块 u0432 u044b u043f u043e u043b u043d u0435 u0438 u00a0线性第二步和第三步 u0438 u043d u0442 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u0438 u0432 u044b u043b u043f u043e u043b u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0线性vin u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u0438块 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u0435 u043d u043d u0438 u00a0水平ve垂直和对角线 u0443 u0442 u043e u0447 u043d u00a0 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445系数。构造块 u0432 u044b u043f u043e u043b u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0秒 u0432 u044b u043f u043e u043b u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0线性 u0438 u043d u0432 u0432 u0435 u0440 u043f u043e u043e u043b u00a0 u0446 u0438 u0438 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u043d u044b,结果入口为 u043e u0434 u0432 u043f。17。系统p。 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0430 u00a0 u0441 u00a0 14,因此块3具有归一化归一化系数 u0434 u043b u00a0结果的可能性 u043e u0434 u0432 u043f分两个阶段进行,并提供带有机会 u043e u0441 u0441 u0443 u0449 u0435 u0441 u0442 u0432 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u0438 u00a0第一阶段规范化,即 u0438 u0437 u043e u0431 u0440 u0430 u0436 u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0低通滤波,以及 u043e u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u0435 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0辅助 u00a0 u0440 u043a u043e u0441 u0442 u0438, u043e u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u0435 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0参考媒体 u00a0 u0440 u043a u043e u0441 u0442 u0438低频分量的可能性并将其传输到低频分量的归一化,通过机会 u043e u0441 u0443 u0449 u0435 u0441 u0442 u0432 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u0432 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u0432 u00b0实现,则可以对更大的一组频率进行归一化。BuildingBlock滤波和块 u043e u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u0435 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0 u00a0 u0440 u04340 u043a u043e u043e u0441 u0442 u0438 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u043d u044b并退出最后一个倒数第二个步骤 u043e u0434 u0432 u043f块,以及 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u043d u044b。低频分量归一化的第一和第二输入,其中输出 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u043d具有入口块4结果 u043e u0434 u0432 u043f。



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